Below is a detailed list of knowledge and skills that all graduates of Liberal Studies should obtain during their course of study at OSU. Please read this list of attributes and use it in shaping your plan and in writing your essay.
- Possess Competency and Knowledge in Multiple Fields; demonstrate interdisciplinary connections between two or more liberal arts areas
- Demonstrate Critical Thinking; problem-solve using evidence-based reasoning to make informed decisions
- Reflect on Pluralism and Cultural Legacies; understand and appreciate human cultural, historical and social experiences, and be able to relate them to individual experiences
- Engage in active Collaboration with advisors, faculty, and fellow students; develop the ability to value multiple and differing perspectives
- Employ Written Communication; articulate to a variety of different groups the value of students’ individual liberal studies plan, their education, and what they have learned
- Preparation for Global Citizenship; be self-aware, socially responsible, and cultivate a sense of life-long learning