Annette Rubado

Profile headshot

Annette Rubado

School of Writing, Literature & Film

Moreland Hall 310
2550 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

PhD, Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine (2012)
MA, Comparative Literature, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2001)
BA, Comparative Literature and International Studies, University of Oregon (1996)
Office Hours
MW 1-2pm (Winter 2025)
Research/Career Interests

Annette Rubado researches literary and cinematic interventions into the politics of community and globalization in the Americas.  

Courses Taught

ENG 108: Introduction to Science Fiction and Fantasy

ENG 212: Literatures of the World: Meso/South America and the Caribbean

ENG 215: Classical Mythology

WR 121Z: English Composition

WR 227Z: Technical Writing

WR 323: Argumentation