Christopher Stout
Associate Professor and Ecampus Coordinator - Political Science
School of Public Policy
Research/Career Interests
Policy Areas: Public opinion, polling accuracy, race and politics, minority voting behavior
PhD: University of California, Irvine
Additional Information
- Political Science 201: Introduction to United States Government and Politics
- Political Science 312: Presidential Politics
- Political Science 311: Congressional Politics
Research Interests
- Racial and Ethnic Politics
- Political Behavior
- Political Representation
- Congress
- Public Opinion and Elections
- Gender and Politics
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Web Site
Brief Vita
- Ph. D., University of California, Irvine, Political Science, June 2010
- M.A., University of California, Irvine, Political Science, 2009
- B.A. University of California, Riverside, Major: Political Science, Minor: Statistics 2004
- Assistant Professor, Oregon State University, Fall 2015-Present
- Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale 2011-2015
- Assistant Professor, Wellesley College 2010 – 2011
A detailed list of publications, replication files and a full CV can be accessed on
- Christopher Stout. 2015. Bringing Race Back In: Black Politicians, Deracialization, and Voting Behavior in the Age of Obama. (University of Virginia Press)
- Christopher Stout and Reuben Kline. “Racialization, Competitiveness and Polling Discrepancies for Minority Candidates." Public Opinion Quarterly (Forthcoming)
- Vanessa Stout, Kelsy Kretschmer, and Christopher Stout. “The Continuing Significance of History: An Active Learning Simulation to Teach Racial Inequality." Journal of Political Science Education (Forthcoming)
- Christopher Stout and Jennifer R. Garcia. 2015. “The Big Tent Effect: Descriptive Candidates and Black and Latino Political Partisanship" American Politics Research Vol. 43 No. 2
- Christopher Stout and Danvy Le. 2012. “Living the Dream: Barack Obama and Blacks Changing Perceptions of the American Dream" Social Science Quarterly Vol. 93 No. 5
- Christopher Stout and Reuben Kline. 2011.”I’m Not Voting for Her: Polling Discrepancies and Female Candidates" Political Behavior Vol. 33 No. 3