Gilad Elbom

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Gilad Elbom

Senior Instructor
School of Writing, Literature & Film

Moreland Hall 232
2550 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

Research/Career Interests

Gilad Elbom is the author of Textual Rivalries: Jesus, Midrash, and Kabbalah (Fortress Press, 2022) and Kabbalah as Literature: The Revolution of Interpretation (Fortress Press, 2024). He joined Oregon State University in 2009, having graduated with a PhD in English from the University of North Dakota, an MFA in Creative Writing from Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, and a BA in English from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Linguistics, semiotics, biblical and rabbinic literature, the American novel, postmodern approaches to fiction and poetry, and Middle Eastern literature, especially Hebrew and Arabic, are some of the fields he emphasizes in his research and teaching. His first novel, Scream Queens of the Dead Sea, was published in 2004 and translated into German, Russian, and Hebrew. He is the fiction editor of the North Dakota Quarterly.