Jan Reibach
Community Hall 101
1650 SW Pioneer Place
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
A Kalapuya Tribal Elder of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, who resides within his indigenous homelands, Jan Michael (Looking Wolf) Reibach is a Global Music Award Lifetime Achievement Recipient and Hall of Fame Inductee by One World Music Radio. In addition to being a internationally renowned musician with 28 commercial recordings/700+ performances/70 award recognitions, Reibach instructs Native American Flute at Oregon State University. Following years of research and lecturing, he worked with the professors in the Music Department and Ethnic Studies to develop accredited curriculum in 2004 for a course that focuses on cultural diversity and musical self-expression with the instrument. As of 2022, he has taught over 16,000 students how to play the Native American Flute. His classes have received awards for the most popular course by the students and are among the highest in ethnic-diverse participation at OSU. Reibach coordinates the world record flute circle with over 600 students of the Native American Flute performing songs in harmony together as part of annual event at the University.
Reibach is an author of two published books centered on the Native American Flute, including “One Heart, Journey with the Native American Flute” which he provides for free to his university students. His second book, “The First Flute” is co-authored with top selling Canadian Aboriginal author David Bouchard. A hard cover book published by Red Deer Press, Looking Wolf wrote the original story of a young native brave who, with the help of creation, finds the first flute and plays for love.
Sharing the beauty of personal musical self-expression with the Native American Flute is a dedicated focus of Reibach’s life. He founded the World Flute Circle that has members spanning every continent with online play along events for world peace.
So, what’s next? Reibach remains committed to sharing One Heart through his music and teaching. He continues to record and perform regularly, instruct university courses, and is working on a new commercial album entitled, "Gratitude".
“Hayu-masi (many thanks in my Tribal language)! Being part of the incredible collective greatness of OSU is among the greatest honors of my life. There is no award or recognition that can compare to being there when students connect with their own musical self-expression while they also embrace their feelings and self-worth. My colleagues, students, and faculty continue to provide inspiration. In Tribal culture, teaching is one of the highest honors in the circle. Everyone’s voice and feelings are important. We all come from Mother Earth and thusly are all related. I maintain hope that one day the beautiful, incredible diversity of humanity will be fully embraced. There is still time to show our children that they can walk in beauty, live in peace, and play together in harmony.”