Joshua Reeves
Snell Hall 030D
2150 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Packer, Nuñez de Villavicencio, Monea, Oswald, Maddalena, and Reeves, Prison House of the Circuit: Politics of Control from Analog to Digital (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2022).
Jeremy Packer and Joshua Reeves, Killer Apps: War, Media, Machine (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2020).
Joshua Reeves, Citizen Spies: The Long Rise of America's Surveillance Society (New York: New York University Press, 2017).
Joshua Reeves, "Rhetoric, Violence, and the Subject of Civility," Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 19.1 (2022): 91-108.
Jeremy Packer and Joshua Reeves, “Making Enemies with Media,” Communication and the Public 5.1/2 (2020): 16-25.
Glencora Borradaile and Joshua Reeves, “Sousveillance Capitalism,” Surveillance & Society 18.2 (2020): 272–75.
Joshua Reeves, “Common Senselessness about the War: On Shaw’s Media Delirium,” SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies 40.1 (2020): 36–49.
Chris Ingraham and Joshua Reeves, "Character Assassins and Moral Entrepreneurs: Social Media and the Regulation of Morality," in the Routledge Handbook of Character Assassination Reputation Management, eds. Sergei A. Samoilenko, Martijn Icks, Jennifer Keohane, and Eric B. Shiraev (New York: Routledge, 2019).
Joshua Reeves, "Surveillance," in the Routledge Handbook of Communication and Security, eds. Hamilton Bean and Bryan C. Taylor (New York: Routledge, 2019).
Joshua Reeves, “Of Social Networks and Suicide Nets: Biopolitics and the Suicide Screen.” Television & New Media 18.6 (2017): 512–28.
Jeremy Packer and Joshua Reeves, "Taking People Out: Drones, Media/Weapons, and the Coming Humanectomy," in Life in the Age of Drones, eds. Lisa Parks and Caren Kaplan (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017).
Chris Ingraham and Joshua Reeves, "New Media, New Panics." Critical Studies in Media Communication 33.5 (2016): 455–67.
Joshua Reeves, "Automatic for the People: The Automation of Communicative Labor." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 13.2 (2016): 150-165.
Rachel Hall, Torin Monahan, and Joshua Reeves (eds.), “Surveillance and Performance,” special issue of Surveillance & Society 14.2 (2016): 154–276.
Rachel Hall, Torin Monahan, and Joshua Reeves, “Editorial: Surveillance and Performance.” Surveillance & Society 14.2 (2016): 154–67.
Joshua Reeves, "License to Kill: Trayvon Martin and the Logic of Exception." Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies 15.4 (2015): 287-91.
Nathan Hulsey and Joshua Reeves, "The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Google, Ingress, and the Gift of Surveillance." Surveillance & Society 12.3 (2014): 389-400.
Joshua Reeves and Ethan Stoneman, “Heidegger and the Aesthetics of Rhetoric.” Philosophy & Rhetoric 27.2 (2014): 137-57.
Joshua Reeves, "The State of Babel after the Fall: Philo Judaeus and the Possibility of Rhetoric." Advances in the History of Rhetoric 17.1 (2014): 34-42.
Joshua Reeves and Jeremy Packer, "Police Media: The Governance of Territory, Speed, and Communication." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 10.4 (2013): 359-84.
Joshua Reeves and Matthew S. May, "The Peace Rhetoric of a War President: Barack Obama and the Just War Legacy." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 16.4 (2013): 623-50.
Jeremy Packer and Joshua Reeves, "Romancing the Drone: Military Desire and Anthropophobia from SAGE to Swarm." Canadian Journal of Communication 38 (2013): 309-31.
Joshua Reeves, “Suspended Identification: Atopos and the Work of Public Memory.” Philosophy & Rhetoric 46.3 (2013): 306-27.
Joshua Reeves, “Temptation and Its Discontents: Digital Rhetoric, Flow, and the Possible.” Rhetoric Review 33.3 (2013): 314-30.
Joshua Reeves, “If You See Something, Say Something: Lateral Surveillance and the Uses of Responsibility.” Surveillance & Society 10.3-4 (2012): 235-48.
NMC 493: Media and Power
NMC 430: Media Theory
NMC 437: New Media and Society
NMC 100: New Media and Culture
COM 599: Media and Rhetoric
COMM 368: Propaganda and Social Control
COM 320: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory