Marta Maldonado

Profile headshot

Marta Maldonado

Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies
School of Language, Culture and Society

Waldo Hall 258
2250 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

Research/Career Interests

I am interested in how race/ethnicity, gender, and class are embodied and enacted in everyday institutional and community contexts. My research has focused on the conditions and experiences of Latino populations, connected as these are to the conditions and experiences of other ethnoracial groups. I have studied the racialized production of community identity and space, the racialized, gendered, and classed dynamics of immigration and community integration, and race/ethnicity in workplaces and educational settings. My recent and ongoing work explores the experiences of Latinos in Oregon's coastal communities, and in seafood processing work. I am participating faculty in Oregon State University’s Marine Studies Initiative, which prepares students to engage a transdiciplinary approach in dealing with the challenges facing our oceans and coasts. My work has appeared in Ethnic and Racial Studies, the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Antipode, the Journal of Urbanism, and American Behavioral Scientist, among others.




Maldonado, Marta Maria, and Bradley Boovy. “Social Justice In Coastal Spaces.”. Oceans And Society: An Introduction To Marine Studies. New York: Routledge, 2023. 193-208. Print. Oceans And Society: An Introduction To Marine Studies.
Cramer, Lori A et al. “The Importance Of The Seafood Processing Sector To Coastal Community Resilience”. Marine Policy 156 (2023): n. pag. Print. Marine Policy.


Maldonado, Marta Maria. “Reflections On Race/Ethnicity, Gender, And Labor In The Latinx Studies Classroom.”. Transformative Approaches To Social Justice Education. 2021. Print. Transformative Approaches To Social Justice Education.


Maldonado, Marta Maria, and Katja M Guenther. “Introduction: Critical Mobilities In The Neoliberal University”. Feminist Formations 31.1 (2019): vii-xxiii. Print. Feminist Formations.


Doyle, Jamie et al. “Understanding The Working In Working Waterfronts: The Hidden Faces Of The Industries That Make Up The Working Waterfront”. Coastal Heritage And Cultural Resilience. 2018. Print. Coastal Heritage And Cultural Resilience.


Maldonado, Marta Maria, Adela C Licona, and Sarah Hendricks. “Latin@ Immobilities And Altermobilities Within The U.s. Deportability Regime ”. Annals of the American Association of Geographers (2016): n. pag. Print. Annals Of The American Association Of Geographers.


Muñoz, Susana María, and Marta Maria Maldonado. “Counterstories Of College Persistence By Undocumented Mexicana Students: Navigating Race, Class, Gender, And Legal Status”. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 25.3 (2012): n. pag. Print. International Journal Of Qualitative Studies In Education .


Courses Taught

ES 101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies

ES 201 Inventing Ethnic America

ES 213 Latino/a Identities and Activism

ES 451/551 Theories of Race and Ethnicity

ES 460/560 Ethnicity and Social Justice