Michelle Inderbitzin
Associate Professor - Sociology
School of Public Policy
Bexell Hall 422c
2251 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Research/Career Interests
Policy Areas: Juvenile delinquency, criminology, deviant behavior and social control, sociology of education.
PhD: University of Washington
Additional Information
- Soc 340 - Deviant Behavior & Social Control
- Soc 440/540 - Juvenile Delinquency
- Soc 441/541 - Criminology & Penology
- Soc 450/550 - Sociology of Education
- Soc 499/599 - ST/Crime, Justice & Public Policy
Research Interests
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Criminology
- Deviant Behavior and Social Control
- Sociology of Education
Current Projects
- "Balancing Custody and Treatment in a Juvenile Correctional Facility."
- "The American Dream Derailed: Institutional Attempts to Level the Aspirations of Incarcerated Youth."
- "From Yell leaders to Cheerleaders: Masculinity and the Transformation of American Cheerleading." With Kathleen Stanley and Dwaine Plaza.
- "Public Criminologies." with Christopher Uggen.
- "Re-entry of Emerging Adults: Adolescent Inmates' Transition Back into the Community."
- Public Criminology
Curriculum Vitae
Brief Vita
- Ph.D. - Sociology, University of Washington 2000
- M.A. - Sociology, University of Washington 1996
- B.A. - Sociology, University of Washington 1991
- B.A. - Communications, University of Washington 1991
- Inderbitzin, Michelle and Heather Boyd. 2010. “William Chambliss” in Keith Hayward, Shadd Maruna, and Jayne Mooney (Eds.), Fifty Key Criminological Thinker, pp. 203-208. Routledge.
- Uggen, Christopher and Michelle Inderbitzin. 2010. “Public Criminologies.” Criminology & Public Policy, forthcoming.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2009. “Re-entry of Emerging Adults: Adolescent Inmates’ Transition Back into the Community.” Journal of Adolescent Research, 24 (4): 453-476
- Inderbitzin, Michelle and Debbie A. Storrs. 2008. “Mediating the Conflict Between Transformative Pedagogy and Bureaucratic Practice.” College Teaching 56(1): 47-52.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle, Kelly Fawcett, Christopher Uggen, and Kristin A. Bates. 2007. “'Revolutions May Go Backwards’: The Persistence of Voter Disenfranchisement in the United States.” In Kristin A. Bates and Richelle S. Swan (Eds.), Through the Eye of Katrina: Social Justice in the United States, pp. 37-53. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2007. "Inside a Maximum-Security Juvenile Training School: Institutional Attempts to Redefine the American Dream and Normalize Incarcerated Youth." Punishment & Society, 9(3): 235-251.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2007. "A Look from the Inside: Balancing Custody and Treatment in a Juvenile Maximum Security Facility." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (forthcoming).
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2007. "The Impact of Gender on Juvenile Justice Decisions." In R. Muraskin (Ed.), Its a Crime: Women and Justice, Fourth Edition. pp. 782-791. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2006. "Guardians of the State's Problem Children: An Ethnographic Study of Staff Members in a Juvenile Correctional Facility." The Prison Journal, 86(4): 431-451.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2006. "Lessons from a Juvenile Training School." Journal of Adolescent Research, 21(1): 7-26.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2006. "Negotiating Cooperation and Control: Inmate Leadership in a Juvenile Training School." Corrections Compendium: 31(2): 6-7, 33-34.
- Storrs, Debbie A., and Michelle Inderbitzin. 2006. "Imagining a Liberal Education: Critically Examining the Learning Process Through Simulation." Journal of Transformative Education 4(2): 175-189.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2005. "Growing Up Behind Bars: An Ethnographic Study of Adolescent Inmates in a Cottage for Violent Offenders." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 42(3): 1-22.
- Inderbitzin, Michelle. 2003. "Outsiders and Justice Consciousness." Contemporary Justice Review, 6(4): 357-362.
- American Sociological Association Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline, 2008-2010, "Research from the Inside Out: Collaborative Research and Writing with Inmates in the Oregon State Penitentiary." ($5256)
- Oregon State University Library Research Travel Grant, Summer 2009, for travel to do research on Lewis E. Lawes in the special collections of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Sealey Library. ($1250)
- American Sociological Association Teaching Enhancement Fund Grant, 2008-2009, “Connecting OSU Students and Delinquent Girls in the Community.” ($925)
- OSU Women’s Giving Circle, 2008-2009. “Connecting the Classroom and the Community: Mentoring Delinquent Youth.” ($6000).
- Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creativity in Social Justice in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Grant, with Katie Schrage. 2008-2009. "A Better Tomorrow: Examining the Role of Education in a Juvenile Correctional Facility for Female Offenders." ($2000)
- L.L. Stewart Faculty Development Award, Oregon State University, Winter 2008 ($1500)
- The Sentencing Project Felon Disenfranchisement Research Grant, with Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota, 2006-2008, ($5500)
- Writing Intensive Curriculum Department Development Grant: Undergraduate Research, Oregon State University, 2007-2008, ($1775)
- College of Liberal Arts Research Grant, Oregon State University, 2006-2007 ($4500)
- ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) Competitive Workshop: “Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods,” University of Michigan, Summer 2006 (Competitive Admission and $1000 stipend)
- Undergraduate Research Innovation Scholarship Creativity Grant, with Kelly Fawcett, 2006
- Oregon State University College of Liberal Arts Master Teacher, 2008
- Oregon State University nominee, CASE Professor of the Year, 2008
- Oregon State University Great Mentors banner campaign, 2008
- Oregon Criminal Justice Association Ruby Isom Volunteer of the Year, 2008
- Oregon Department of Corrections Volunteer of the Year, 2007
- Oregon State University President’s Report, 2007
- Phi Kappa Phi Emerging Scholar Award, Oregon State University, 2007
- Sociology Club Student Choice Award: Best Sociology Teacher, Oregon State University, 2007
- Sociology Club Student Choice Award: Best Professor, Oregon State University, 2006
- Mortar Board National Honor Society Top Prof, Oregon State University, 2006
- Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2005, 2006-2007 (student nominated)