Sebastian Heiduschke

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Sebastian Heiduschke

Professor, German
School of Language, Culture and Society

Kidder Hall 218
2000 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

I joined Oregon State University in 2008 after a one-year visiting appointment at Montana State University. I hold a Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin, a M.A. from the University of Florida, and two undergraduate degrees in English (Otto Friedrich Universität Bamberg, Germany) and in German (Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich, Germany). At OSU I am Professor of German in the School of Language, Culture, and Society (College of Liberal Arts).

Film is my passion. I am the author of East German Cinema: DEFA and Film History (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), of 東ドイツ映画 デーファと映画史東ドイツ映画 デーファと映画史 ( 鳥影社, 2019), and the co-editor (with Sean Allan) of Re-imagining DEFA. East German Cinema in its National and Transnational Context (Berghahn, 2015) and of Documenting Socialism (Berghahn, 2024). My essays about German film and language pedagogy have appeared in a number of journals, edited volumes, and magazines. You can see a list below.

I serve as director on the board of the Oregon Cartoon Project and am responsible for the organization's publications in digital and print forms.

At OSU I have developed the curriculum of the first online major in German in North America (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science), and I designed and currently teach the curriculum German for Engineers as part of the ATLANTIS dual degree program.




Heiduschke, Sebastian, and Seán Allan. Documenting Socialism: East German Documentary Cinema.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. "Unlocking Enrollment Growth and Visibility: The Impact of German Microcredentials at Oregon State University." Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 57 (1). First published online December 2023.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Penis-Bodied Specimens in Körperwelten (Body Worlds).“ How to Make the Body. Ed. Jennifer Creech and Thomas Haakenson. Bloomsbury. 103-18.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. "Teststrategien Im Virtuellen Deutschunterricht." Revista Lengua y Cultura 2.4:80-89.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Co-Producing World Cinema: Germany and International Film Production.” Transnational German Studies. Ed. Rebecca Braun and Benedict Schofield. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 133-50.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Der virtuelle Bachelor: Deutsch studieren online. “ IDV-Magazin 95 (June). 45-49.
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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Women’s Interventions in the Contemporary German Film Industry.” Camera Obscura 33.3 (December). 147-155.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian and Jennifer Creech. “Gendered Spectacle: The Liberated Gaze in the DEFA Film Der Strass.” Gender and Sexuality in East German Film. Eds. Kyle Frackman and Faye Stewart. Rochester NY: Camden House. 249-68.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian and David Prats. “Building and Sustaining Language Degrees Online: The Online Language Majors In German and Spanish at Oregon State University Ecampus,” Online Language Teaching Research. Eds. Israel Sanchez, Regina Morin and Susana Rivera-Mills. Corvallis, OR: Trysting Tree Press. 151-71.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. "Germany”. Women's Lives Around The World: A Global Encyclopedia. Vol. 4. ABC-CLIO. 126-133. Women's Lives Around The World: A Global Encyclopedia.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian, and Seán Allan. Re-Imagining Defa: East German Cinema In Its National And Transnational Contexts. Berghahn Books.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. East German Cinema. Palgrave Macmillian.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Inspiring and Educating GDR Women: Iris Gusner, Feminism, and the Film Kaskade Rückwärts (Bailing Out, 1984).” Women in German Yearbook 30: 23-43.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Cinematic Reflections of Post-Unification Woes: Buildings and Urban Space of Frankfurt/Oder in Halbe Treppe, Lichter, and Kombat Sechzehn.” Bloom and Bust: Urban Landscapes in the East since German Reunification. Eds. Carrie Smith and Gwyneth Cliver. New York: Berghahn. 67-87.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Emerging from the Niche: DEFA Afterlife in Unified Germany.” Monatshefte 105.4 (Winter): 625-40.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Authority, Mobility, and Teenage Rebellion in The Wild One (USA, 1953), Die Halbstarken (West Germany, 1956) and Berlin— Ecke Schönhauser (East Germany, 1957).” Seminar 49.3 (September): 281-99.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “GDR Cinema as Commodity: Marketing DEFA Films Since Unification.” German Studies Review 36.1: 61-78.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “21 October 2001: Television Provides Platform for Record Box-Office Success of Der Schuh des Manitu.” A New History of German Cinema. Eds. Jennifer Kapczynski and Michael Richardson. Rochester: Camden House. 572-77.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Communists and Cosmonauts in Mystery Science Theater 3000: De-Camping First Spaceship on Venus/Silent Star.” In the Peanut Gallery with Mystery Science Theater 3000: Essays on Film, Fandom, Technology and the Culture of Riffing. Eds. Robert Weiner and Shelley Barbra. Jefferson: McFarland. 40-45.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “The Dove on the Roof.” Introductory essay on DVD release of The Dove on the Roof. Amherst: DEFA Film Library.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. “Ending A Tradition: DEFA’s Last Youth Filmf.” Introductory essay on DVD release of Jana und Jan. Amherst: DEFA Film Library.

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Heiduschke, Sebastian. "Das ist die Mauer die quer durchgeht: Dahinter liegt die Stadt und das Glück. DEFA Directors and their Criticism of the Berlin Wall. Colloquia Germanica, Vol. 40, No. 1, 37-50.

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Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. German Cultural Studies, University of Texas at Austin (2006)
M.A. German, University of Florida (2001)
Akademische Zwischenprüfung German Literature, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany (1998)
Akademische Zwischenprüfung American Literature, Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg, Germany (1997)
Office Hours
By appointment only
Research/Career Interests

(East) German cinema, animation and cartooning, fan studies, online learning, language pedagogy