What kind of jobs could I get with a degree in Environmental Arts and Humanities?

The Masters in Environmental Arts and Humanities will prepare students for work in such positions as environmental NGO’s, government and land agencies, advocacy groups, corporations, green business, journalism, conservation and stewardship, formal and informal education, and other environmental positions that require strong communication and reasoning skill sets and humanistic understanding.

What kind of skills will the degree in Environmental Arts and Humanities provide?

Students with a MA in Environmental Humanities will be able to:

  • Apply practical and moral reasoning skills
  • Demonstrate the ability to think critically and creatively
  • Utilize effective communication and writing skills
  • Apply collaborative decision-making and community leadership strategies
  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of the diverse cultural, moral, historical, and spiritual dimensions of environmental decisions.

What do OSU graduate students pay in quarterly fees and tuition? 

The official Graduate Tuition and Fee Schedule can be found on the OSU Business Affairs website.

I am having issues with the online graduate application system.  Who should I contact with my application-specific questions? 

Contact Graduate School support.

How will my program receive my applicant letters of reference?

Reference letters must be uploaded via the Graduate School’s online reference management tool.  For more information on that tool, visit the Graduate School’s help site.   

My undergraduate degree was in an unrelated field. Will that affect my chances of being admitted?

If you meet the basic requirements, we encourage you to apply regardless of your academic background. For formal admission to the program, students must demonstrate a basic level of literacy in both the humanities and the sciences.  Generally, an undergraduate major in a humanities or arts field will provide evidence of sufficient understanding of the arts/humanities, and a major in a scientific or natural resource field will provide evidence of sufficient literacy in science. Otherwise, students can demonstrate a sufficient level of understanding by their record of course work, which may be taken as part of the undergraduate degree. Students may be provisionally accepted to the MA in Environmental Arts and Humanities and then take pre-requisite courses while enrolled in the MA, but these will not count toward the MA.

I'm an Ecampus student.  Do I qualify for College-level support?

Although ineligible for College-level support, Ecampus students may locate possible funding opportunities on Ecampus's Tuition and Financial Aid site.