Ethnic Studies Graduate

Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS)

Graduate students pursuing a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) may choose Ethnic Studies as their primary or secondary field of emphasis.

Ethnic Studies Requirements for the MAIS


Graduate Minor in Ethnic Studies

The Graduate Minor in Ethnic Studies allows students to complement a major area of graduate studies in a department other than Ethnic Studies with a focused exploration of the critical areas of race, class, ethnicity and gender in American life.

Required Coursework

Learning Outcomes


Program Options
Minor Degree Not Offered
Program Concentrations
Ethnic Studies as Primary Field of Emphasis

There are two options under this program:

  • Option A. Thesis option. 6-9 credits (ES 503)
  • Option B. Research paper. 4-7 credits (ES 501 or ES 505)

15 credits graduate courses in Ethnic Studies, as follows:

  • ES 551 Theories of Race and Ethnicity (3)
  • ES 553 Ethnohistory Methodology (3)
  • 9 credits of Ethnic Studies graduate level electives (9)
  • No more than 3 credits of blanket-numbered courses except for thesis (Option A) or credits for the research paper (Option B)


Ethnic Studies as Secondary Field of Emphasis

12 credits graduate courses in Ethnic Studies, as follows:

  • ES 551 Theories of Race and Ethnicity (3)
  • ES 553 Ethnohistory Methodology (3)
  • 6 credits of Ethnic Studies graduate level electives (6)
  • No more than 3 credits of blanket-numbered courses