Textured blue, orange, and grey paint bleed into each other in the book's cover art. White font is featured over solid purple blocks.

Dr. Nana Osei-Kofi and Dr. Bradley Boovy (professors in WGSS) and Dr. Kali Furman are the editors of their new book, "Transformative Approaches to Social Justice Education: Equity and Access in the College Classroom." Published by Routledge in 2021, this book is the result of their hard work and the works of the book's contributors, several of which are from our Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program. Based on  the knowledge and experiences of the editors, contributors, and the Difference, Power and Discrimination Program at Oregon State University, their book offers insight into how a social justice pedagogical approach based in collaboration and knowledge of students and instructors can transform a curriculum across disciplines. 

As they explain in the introduction to their work:

"This book is structured as an ongoing conversation among educators and
collaborators who take the position that teaching from a social justice perspective
is about much more than the type of readings and assignments that
we put on our course syllabi. Drawing on a broad definition of curriculum
transformation, it is as much about how our positionality as educators
informs how we show up in the classroom as it is about the content of our
courses. It is about the degree to which we understand the students we are
charged with teaching, the type of pedagogical approaches we employ as
individual instructors and as social justice educators innovating through collaboration.
It is also about teaching beyond the traditional classroom to
include local communities, labor movements, archives, and colleagues in
student and academic affairs. Through relational collaboration and with a
context-informed, place-based grounding, this project seeks to demonstrate
the possibilities of transformative approaches to social justice education
across disciplines." (pg. xvii)

Dr. Nana Osei-Kofi is the Director of the Difference, Power and Discrimination Program at Oregon State University, and an associate professor in WGSS. Dr. Bradley Boovy is an assistant professor in WGSS and WLC. Dr. Kali Furman is a graduate of the OSU WGSS PhD program.