Where are you from?
Seattle, Washington
Why are you interested in graphic design as your major?
I have always been interested in art, mainly graphite and acrylic paint. However, rather than just creating art, I am able to learn to create art with the purpose of connecting to various groups of people. The graphic design program has done a great job of teaching me how to work with a brief and set of guidelines while expressing my personal style as well.
What has been your experience as a student of both the College of Liberal Arts and the Honors College?
I have had a great experience. However, both programs are very separate. There is not a lot of overlap between the honors college and graphic design. I have been able to use the honors program as a great tool to help me advance in my overall academics, but not graphic design specifically.
Have you started your honors thesis? If yes, what’s the topic and/or focus of your research? If not, are you considering any ideas so far?
I have begun my honors thesis, however it does not have a connection to my major. I would like to research the origins of different countries' national desserts. This interests me because I have always grown up around a love for food due to my father, who worked at Continental Mills. He studied at various schools for culinary arts, including The Culinary Institute of America. With this, he has always taught my sisters and I how to cook and bake for any occasion. Food has always been a connection to family and culture for me. By researching different cultures' national desserts, I want to find ways to connect my history to the world's history, seeing how cultures intertwine on a culinary level.
What have been some of your favorite classes taken?
I have loved my Drawing Core Studio class, 2-D Art Studio class, and GD Technology and Productions class. These classes are very hands-on and take a creative approach to creating art. The assignments are very individualistic and allow for every student to create a beautiful ideation for the brief.
What are you hoping to do after you graduate?
I would love to get a masters degree in graphic design or fine arts from an art institution in order to help me grow in the art and design field. I would also hope to begin working as a starting graphic designer for a creative firm or department in a given company.
How do you feel that your experience in the College of Liberal Arts and the Honors College is setting you up for success?
I believe that the Liberal Arts Program is truly helping me grow as an artist and individual. The classes help students explore what it is to follow guidelines and briefs, similar to what it is like to work in the real world with clients and customers. The honors college is a wonderful resource to lean on for school in general. I have used many of the programs and courses provided by the honors college to get a better understanding of what I need to be doing and how to accomplish my goals.