Mircalla Addams, '24

Mircalla Addams
Digital Communication Arts

Where are you from? 

I’m from Eugene, Oregon. 

Why are you interested in the digital communication arts major?

I’ve been really passionate about deconstructing and analyzing works of art since I was in middle school and that just drew me into digital communication arts. I picked up the theater minor because of the synergies I found in the two fields, one the study of how humans communicate in the modern world and the other intimately grounded in the practice of it.

What has been your experience as a student of both the College of Liberal Arts and the Honors College?

It’s been very welcoming. My advisor and my honors instructors often seem pleasantly surprised to have a student affiliated with the CLA.

Have you started your honors thesis? If yes, what’s the topic and/or focus of your research? If not, are you considering any ideas so far?

I’m getting ready to go into phase three of the thesis project where I commit to a faculty mentor and iron out the specifics of my process and timeline before I start work on my thesis in earnest. I’ve found a great deal of personal fulfillment in writing for the stage and screen and am hoping to use my honors thesis as an opportunity to create a more long form piece for the stage as opposed to the short one act plays I've written so far.

What have been some of your favorite classes taken?

I have a great affection for Dr. Helman’s Playwriting Sequence (TA 351) and Finn John’s Writing for the Media (NMC 301). The practice of learning an unfamiliar style of writing has been intensely fulfilling and I am deeply grateful for it. If I’m talking about honors classes, my favorite, hands down, has to be the colloquia I took my first year, Vampires: Race, Gender, and Sexuality. I love examinations of vampire media and that class let me pore over some of my favorites in a new light and introduced me to several stories with which I was unfamiliar.  

What are you hoping to do after you graduate?

In truth, I’m still very unsure. I on the whole hope to continue my work as an artist and a writer. I have deep appreciation for my experiences here, learning to write character and dialogue focused work and would love to continue to explore it in a more interactive medium like video games.

How do you feel that your experience in CLA and HC is setting you up for success?

I think that my experience here has given me experience in managing many priorities at once and opportunities for growth and leadership that I can take with me into the future. I also do my best to take advantage of the career help and advising available to me while I am here.