Title: The Hazards-Housing Nexus: An Adaptive Capacity Wheel Analysis of Coastal Planning Institutions
Abstract: The Oregon coast faces concurrent planning challenges: Coastal hazards like a Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) earthquake and tsunami, and coastal housing challenges. In borrowing from climate adaptation scholarship, I posit that there is opportunity to leverage housing strategies for social resilience to coastal geologic hazards such as the CSZ. Issues of planning institutions' capacity to enable such adaptation is in question. To address this question, I conducted interviews (n=21) with institutional stakeholders and completed a policy scan (n=19) of relevant policy documents. I used Gupta et al. (2010) Adaptive Capacity Wheel (ACW) to interpret these data. Key findings include identification of resiliency-driven housing production strategies, and beginnings of collaborative activities occurring in policy networks; however there are indications of institutional hesitation towards rapid change. This study contributes to the large body of work that explores potential pathways to integrate hazards mitigation planning into comprehensive planning, and the equity considerations inherent in such pursuits. This study is funded by the Cascadia Coastlines and Peoples Hazards Hub (CoPes Hub), National Science Foundation Award #2103713.
Committee: Co-Advised by Dr. Jenna Tilt, and Dr. Dwaine Plaza; Dr. Edward Weber.
Location: Bexell 414 or contact [email protected] for the Zoom link.
Date & Time: May 26th, 12 pm