Ecological Archaeology Lab Publications


* Current or former student lab member


Recent Publications

Carney, Molly and Thomas Connolly

2024    Scales of plant stewardship in the precontact Pacific Northwest, USA. The Holocene 0(0).


Carney, Molly

2024    Pine nuts. The Oregon Encyclopedia.

n.d.      Braiding Frameworks for Collaborative Stewardship Scholarship. In review with Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology.

n.d.      Salerno, Ross, Remi Murdoch, Joanna Elmore, Taylor Wilcox, Jens Hegg, Catherine S. Austin, Michael LeMoine, Jade Luckhurst, Alexandra K. Fraik, Molly Carney

n.d.      Integrating genetics and isotope microchemistry to reconstruct Salmonidae species and life history. In review with Archaeometry.


Recent Presentations

Jacobs, Nicholas*, Hope Loiselle, Alex Fraik, Ross Salerno, Molly Carney

2024    Drawing from the past to inform the future: Exploring 500 years of Skagit River Salmonidae abundance. Paper to be presented at the Society for American Archaeology 89th annual conference in New Orleans, LA, April 17-21.


Lopez Roja, MarĂ­a* and Molly Carney

2024    Preliminary Results on Wood Resources in Site 45PO358. Poster to be presented at the Society of Ethnobiology 45th annual conference in St. Louis, MO, April 24-27.


Ming, Emma* and Molly Carney

2024    Comparing Domestic and Food Processing Paleoethnobotanical Assemblages. Poster to be presented at the Society of Ethnobiology 45th annual conference in St. Louis, MO, April 24-27.


North, Joel*

2024    Ethnobotanical Uses of the American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana). Poster to be presented at the Society of Ethnobiology 45th annual conference in St. Louis, MO, April 24-27.


Seupaul, Taylor*

20214  Cultivating Knowledge: Establishing an Accessible Southwestern Macro Botanical Reference Collection. Poster to be presented at the Society of Ethnobiology 45th annual conference in St. Louis, MO, April 24-27.