Scholarship Opportunities

College of Liberal Arts - open in Winter Term


  • Kelly G. Bacon Scholarship
  • Dean's Scholarship
  • Tom and Pat Gallagher Scholarship
  • David Morgan Kiekel Memorial Scholarship
  • Genevieve Andrews Pershke Scholarship
  • Florence Gradon Ragen and Louis Brooks Ragen Scholarship
  • Lisa Taubman Scholarship

OSU Anthropology Scholarships & Awards

The OSU Anthropology program sponsors a number of scholarships and awards for undergraduate Anthropology majors and Anthropology graduate students.  The purpose, eligibility, and timeline for each award are listed below.  Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to nominate eligible colleagues for any award (unless indicated otherwise in the award description), using the following LINK (under construction).

Nominations Deadline: Spring Term

Awards for Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Alumni Award

The Alumni Award is presented annually to an undergraduate or graduate student in Anthropology. This fund is established through the generosity of Anthropology alumni. This scholarship provides recognition and financial assistance of $500-$1000 to an outstanding student with a career interest in Anthropology. The criteria for this scholarship are as follows:

  • Minimum 3.5 GPA,
  • any concentration of anthropology,
  • a career interest in anthropology,
  • and involvement in community, campus, or professional anthropological activities.
Kalervo Oberg Outstanding Senior Award

This award is presented annually to an Anthropology senior based on scholarship, leadership, and service. The award is a memorial to Kalervo Oberg, who increased our knowledge about peoples in Africa and the Americas and identified the emotional impacts of cross-cultural experience. A monetary award of $500 is included, and the recipient's name will be engraved on the OSU Anthropology Award Plaque and will also appear in the Commencement Bulletin.

Awards for Undergraduate Students:
Deanna Kingston Undergraduate Award

Deanna Kingston was a past faculty member and cultural anthropologist in the Anthropology Department at Oregon State University. She was also the mentor for many graduate and undergraduate students and this award recognizes and honors her mentoring spirit and refusal to let anything life threw at her stop her from reaching out to others. Many of the students Deanna mentored were non-traditional and did not fit within the usual expectations for a successful college student. Deanna not only recognized these students’ potential, she worked with these students to make sure they felt supported academically and personally. She gave her time and energy, bringing the students into the Anthropology community, finding opportunities that matched each student’s ability, and helping these students build confidence through personal and academic achievement. Award Criteria: 1) Non-traditional undergraduate student, 2) Anthropology major at Oregon State University, 3) Has completed at least 15 credits in anthropology at Oregon State University.

The Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarship

This award encourages our students to seek out opportunities to spend time in cultures different from their own in order to expand their cultural knowledge and their anthropological skills. The award provides up to $1,000 of financial assistance and is open to undergraduate anthropology majors in any subfield or specialization.


  • enrolled undergraduate anthropology major
  • acceptance on a qualified learning abroad program (including study, internship and research abroad programs)
  • completion of 12 credits of anthropology
  • GPA of 3.25 or above in anthropology course work
  • 10 week minimum stay


  • a non-Western setting
  • programs that require language training
  • stays longer than one term
  • placement with a host family


  • International students returning to their native country
  • International students for study in the U.S.

Application Instructions:

  • 1-2 page essay, describing your plans to study abroad
  • Current curriculum vitae or resume

Awards for Graduate Students:
Applied Anthropology Graduate Student Research Award

We are pleased to announce this competition for a research development award for Masters and PhD students in the Applied Anthropology program. For PhD students, only those proposing pilot research (not the main dissertation research) are eligible. We anticipate making several awards this year, ranging from $500 up to $2,000. Grants are intended to support research activities beginning Summer term. Awardees will have a full year (until June of the following year) to use the award funds.

The purpose of this competition is to support graduate student success in scholarly research, and elevate the research profile of our program, the School of Language, Culture, and Society, and the College of Liberal Arts. These small, internal research awards are intended to help students (1) travel to field sites to make connections with gatekeepers, community leaders, and collaborators and/or collect data and (2) leverage the resulting experiences, relationships, and data to compete successfully for larger, external grants from organizations like the National Science Foundation, Fulbright, Wenner-Gren, and the Social Science Research Council. Recent successes in applying for external grants among our graduate students have depended in part on some form of seed money.

Proposal and process selection - The deadline for applications is early May. Application materials should be emailed to Kenny Maes as a single PDF or word document. Students should apply by submitting the following:

  1. Proposal narrative: 2-3 pages maximum, single spaced, summarizing:
    1. Research questions and planned research procedures
    2. Intellectual merit and broader impacts of the research
    3. PhD students only: How the proposed pilot research will support your success in securing external dissertation funding.
  2. Budget: include line items, subtotals, any funding that is already available, and the total amount requested from this competition. Research requiring travel outside Corvallis will be favored over Corvallis-based research.
    1. Note: Although we are unable to process a reimbursement for equipment or supplies, some equipment (not including software) can be purchased by the department. Any applicant including these items in their budget should consult with Karen Mills prior to spending any of their award.
  3. Budget narrative: 1 page maximum, single spaced, detailing planned research expenses (why each line item is necessary and how the subtotals were calculated).
  4. Cover page (see next page): Students must obtain their major professor’s signature on the cover page before submitting the application materials.

The Graduate Program Director will assemble a review committee of anthropology faculty, who will score proposals and make award announcements by late May. For research involving human subjects, IRB approval or exemption status is not required at the time of application, but this will be required before funds are disbursed. Students and their major professors are responsible for confirming with Oregon State University’s IRB whether or not the proposed research requires IRB review.

Deanna Kingston Scholarship for Graduate Student Excellence

In 2018, our program initiated the Deanna Kingston Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Award designed to promote the advancement of Native Oregonian, Native American, Alaska Native, Indigenous North American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander students within the OSU Anthropology Program, the university, state, and world. The award honors the life and legacy of Dr. Deanna Paniataaq Kingston, a descendant of the King Island Native Community (Alaska) and Associate Professor of Anthropology at OSU.

Beginning with academic year 2023-24, our program is changing and deepening the form of support this award provides, and broadening eligibility to include all Indigenous peoples from throughout the Americas and Pacific Islands who seek a Master's (MA or MS) or Doctoral degree in Applied Anthropology at OSU.

The Deanna Kingston Scholarship for Graduate Student Excellence will provide funds that an awardee can use throughout their degree program for professional development opportunities, such as participation at professional conferences, and/or thesis and dissertation research expenses. The total amount per award will depend on available resources, though we hope to provide up to $5000 per award. Learn more here


Deadline: January 20

Service to Undergraduate Education Award

This award is given to an outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant in OSU's Anthropology program. This scholarship provides recognition and financial assistance of $1000 to an outstanding teaching assistant for their service to undergraduate teaching, either on the Corvallis campus or OSU's Ecampus.

Thomas C. Hogg Memorial Scholarship Book Fund

This award is given to one first-year international student accepted in the graduate program in Anthropology at Oregon State University. The scholarship is not renewable and cannot exceed $450 per academic year.  The scholarship began in 1988 to honor the memory of Thomas C. Hogg who joined the Anthropology Department in 1965, became associate professor in 1969 and department chair in 1972.

OSU Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Specific

The Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program has two yearly scholarships:

The Judy Mann DiStefano Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Judy Mann DiStefano's commitment to feminism, activism, and pacifism were reflected in her role as a history professor at Northern Virginia Community College. Her roots were in the Northwest, and her mother, Jane Goodale Mann, was a graduate of Oregon State University. This scholarship provides an annual $2,000 stipend to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Oregon State University.

Jeanne Dost, Margaret Lumpkin and Jo Anne Trow Founders Scholarship

Jeanne Dost, Margaret Lumpkin, and Jo Anne Trow helped establish OSU's Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (formerly Women Studies) Program in 1972, with Dr. Dost as its first director.  This scholarship honors their contributions, and provides a $750 stipend to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Oregon State University.

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies undergraduate majors, MA, and PhD students may apply for these scholarships.

Selection criteria include academic excellence, commitment to feminist ideals, and financial need. A complete application includes the summary application form, essay, financial aid information, and two letters of recommendation. Applications will be ready for distribution in the Spring.

Disclaimer: OSU is not responsible for scholarships located on this site, other than those offered by Oregon State University. This page is intended for information only, it is the responsibility of the user to research availability and regulations for each resource.