The Social Justice minor is designed to deepen and complement your area of study. We encourage taking core and elective courses outside of your major.
Required Core Courses (9 credits)
Approaches to Social Justice (3) - ANTH/ES/WGSS/WLC 373
Social Justice in Action (4) - ANTH/ES/WGSS/WLC 410
Capstone in Social Justice (2) - ANTH/ES/WGSS/WLC 485
Advising Tip: students should register for the required cross-listed core course outside of their major. For instance, if the student is an Anthropology major, have them sign up for ES/WGSS/WLC 373.
Electives (18 credits)
Courses must be taken in at least three different designators with at least one globally-oriented course (indicated by 1). Categorization of courses is to be facilitated in advising and choice by students.
Theories and Perspectives
ANTH 345.*Biological and Cultural Constructions of Race (3)
ES 451. Theories of Race and Ethnicity (3)
ES 460. Ethnicity and Social Justice (3)
PHL 160. Quests for Meaning: World Religions1 (4)
PHL 205. *Ethics (4)
PHL 207. *Political Philosophy (4)
PHL 220. World-views and Values in the Bible1 (4)
PHL 315. Gandhi and Non-Violence1 (4)
PHL 344. *Pacifism, Just War, and Terrorism1
PHL 365. *Law in a Philosophical Perspective (4)
PHL 431. Buddhism, Non-Violence, and Social Justice1 (4)
PHL 444. *Biomedical Ethics (4)
PAX 201. Study of Peace and the Causes of Conflict (3)
PS 206. *Introduction to Political Thought (4)
PS 322. American Constitutional Law (4)
PS 361. Classical Political Thought (4)
PS 362. Modern Political Thought (4)
PS 363. *Gender and Race in American Political Thought (4)
PS 461. Environmental Political Theory (4)
PS 462. Theories of Law (4)
QS 462/WGSS 462. *Queer Theories (3)
WGSS 416. Theories of Feminism (3)
History, Cultures, Experiences of Systems of Oppression: Institutions, Policies, Structures
ANTH 251. *Language in the USA (3)
ANTH 361. *Food Studies in a Social Justice Perspective1 (4)
ANTH 383.*Introduction to Medical Anthropology (3)
ANTH 471. Cash, Class and Culture: Hunter-Gatherers to Capitalism1 (4)
ANTH 482. *Anthropology of International Development1 (4)
COMM 368. Propaganda and Social Control (3)
COMM 460. Rhetoric of Revolutionaries and Reactionaries: 1750 to 1900 (3)
COMM 462. Rhetoric of Revolutionaries and Reactionaries: 1900 to Present (3)
GER 231. *German Dictatorships: Nazis and Communists1 (3)
HST/PHL 210. *Religion in the United States (4)
HST 362. Women in United States History (4)
HST 363. Women in United States History (4)
PHL 316. Intellectual Issues of Mexico and Mexican Americans1 (4)
PS 317. Gender and Politics (4)
PS 425. *Gender and the Law (4)
QS 364/ WGSS 364. *Transgender Politics (3)
SOC 426. *Social Inequality (4)
SOC 439. Welfare and Social Services (4)
SOC 450. Sociology of Education (4)
SOC 472. Giving and Voluntarism (4)
WGSS 414. Systems of Oppression in Women's Lives (3)
WGSS 495. *Global Feminist Theologies1 (3)
History, Cultures, Experiences of Oppression; Collective Movements
ANTH 315. *Peoples of the World-Africa1 (3)
ANTH 468. Anthropology of Childhood1 (4)
ANTH 473. *Gender, Ethnicity and Culture1 (4)
ANTH 481. *Natural Resources and Community Values1 (3)
ANTH 484. *Wealth and Poverty1 (3)
FILM 220. *Topics in Difference, Power and Discrimination (4)
FR 329.*Francophone Cultures in Film1 (3)
FR 339. French: Francophone Studies1 (3)
HST 368. *Lesbian and Gay Movements in Modern America (4)
HST 425. *The Holocaust in its History1 (4)
QS 262/WGSS 262. *Introduction to Queer Studies (3)
QS 431/WGSS 431. *Queer of Color Critiques (3)
QS 472/WGSS 472. ^Indigenous Two-Spirit and Queer Studies (3)
SOC 471. Social Movements (4)