WGSS Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS)

Applications for admission to the PhD, MA, and MAIS programs in WGSS are not being accepted for the 2025-26 academic year

The MAIS consists of three integrated areas of study. Students can elect to study WGSS as their primary area with 2 other disciplinary areas outside WGSS; as their primary and secondary areas with one other disciplinary area; or as a secondary and/or tertiary area of study with a primary and/or secondary area from another discipline. Within the disciplinary area of WGSS there are three themes from which students may choose: Gender, Race, and Class; Transnational Perspectives; and Contemporary Feminist Issues. Students will choose one of these themes for each of the WGSS areas (primary and/or secondary) they elect to study.  

Required Coursework

Students completing the MAIS with Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies as their primary area must complete a minimum of 22 credits:

  • WGSS 510. Internship (3 - 6 credits)
  • WGSS 514. Systems of Oppression in Women's Lives (4 credits)
  • WGSS 516. Theories of Feminism (4 credits)
  • WGSS 518. Feminist Research (4 credits) (required for thesis option only)
  • WGSS 585. Transnational Feminisms (4 credits)
  • WGSS 503. Thesis; or WGSS 501. Research and Scholarship (non-thesis)(3 credits)

Students taking WGSS as a secondary and/or tertiary area for the MAIS must complete a minimum of 12 credits for each area, including the following required courses:

  • WGSS 516. Theories of Feminism (4 credits)
  • WGSS 514. Systems of Oppression (4 credits)
  • WGSS 585. Transnational Feminisms (4 credits)

Many students elect Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies as both primary and secondary areas. They must complete a minimum of 34 credits in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (22 for the primary area and 12 for the secondary) of the 45 required for the MAIS degree.


Learning Outcomes

Graduate School Admissions