The MAIS consists of three integrated areas of study. Students can elect to study WGSS as their primary area with 2 other disciplinary areas outside WGSS; as their primary and secondary areas with one other disciplinary area; or as a secondary and/or tertiary area of study with a primary and/or secondary area from another discipline. Within the disciplinary area of WGSS there are three themes from which students may choose: Gender, Race, and Class; Transnational Perspectives; and Contemporary Feminist Issues. Students will choose one of these themes for each of the WGSS areas (primary and/or secondary) they elect to study.
Required Coursework
Students completing the MAIS with Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies as their primary area must complete a minimum of 22 credits:
- WGSS 510. Internship (3 - 6 credits)
- WGSS 514. Systems of Oppression in Women's Lives (4 credits)
- WGSS 516. Theories of Feminism (4 credits)
- WGSS 518. Feminist Research (4 credits) (required for thesis option only)
- WGSS 585. Transnational Feminisms (4 credits)
- WGSS 503. Thesis; or WGSS 501. Research and Scholarship (non-thesis)(3 credits)
Students taking WGSS as a secondary and/or tertiary area for the MAIS must complete a minimum of 12 credits for each area, including the following required courses:
- WGSS 516. Theories of Feminism (4 credits)
- WGSS 514. Systems of Oppression (4 credits)
- WGSS 585. Transnational Feminisms (4 credits)
Many students elect Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies as both primary and secondary areas. They must complete a minimum of 34 credits in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (22 for the primary area and 12 for the secondary) of the 45 required for the MAIS degree.