The International Degree is Oregon State University’s unique double-degree program. It allows any interested undergraduate student the opportunity to explore the international dimensions of any primary major. International Degree students demonstrate intermediate proficiency in a second language, knowledge in international affairs and global issues, international and/or domestic intercultural experience, and the ability to conduct research through a thesis or capstone project.

As an International Degree student, you will earn two degrees. The first degree (the primary degree) will be your chosen major in any department on campus. The International Degree (or concurrent degree) will be in International Studies in your primary degree department.

The World Languages and Cultures program also offers a Global Learning Certificate for students who are interested in exploring the international dimensions of their primary major on a shorter timeline and with a bit more flexibility.

Undergraduate International Studies Degree (BA, HBA) 

Bachelor of Arts with a major in International Studies (double degree) 

International Studies Degree program sheet

Learning Outcomes



Undergraduate Global Learning Certificate

Global Learning Certificate program sheet

Ecampus Global Learning Certificate

Learning Outcomes

Required Coursework

For more information about declaring a double major in International Studies or a Global Learning Certificate, please contact WLC academic advisor David Trinidad.