B.S. in Digital Communication Arts
- A minimum grade of C- is required for all major courses. A 2.30 GPA in major is required for graduation.
- This sample plan does not guarantee graduation if you are a transfer student or non-first term, first year.
- Bold-faced courses are major requirements.
- Coursework applied toward the major/minor cannot be taken with S/U grading.
Fall Term |
Credits |
NMC 101 | 3 |
BAC Core Physical Science | 4 |
BAC Core WR 121 or COMM | 3 |
Additional BS Requirements: Computer Science (See MyDegrees) | 4 |
PAC | 1 |
TOTAL | 15 |
Winter Term |
Credits |
BAC Core Biological Science | 4 |
NMC 260 | 3 |
BAC Core WR 121 or COMM or Western Culture | 3 |
Liberal Arts Core Fine Arts | 3 |
BAC Core Math (See MyDegrees) | 3-4 |
TOTAL | 16-17 |
Spring Term |
Credits |
NMC 100 | 3 |
BAC Core 3rd Lab Science | 4 |
BAC Core Cultural Diversity | 3 |
BAC Core HHS 231 | 2 |
BAC Core WR 121 or COMM or WR II | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 |
- Complete WR 121, COMM, and MTH by end of spring term 1st year.
- Complete NMC 101, NMC 260, NMC 100 by end of Spring term 1st year.
Fall Term |
Credits |
Additional BS Requirements: Math (See MyDegrees) | 4 |
NMC Intermediate Course (1 of 6) | 3 |
BAC Core Western Culture or WR II | 3 |
Liberal Arts Core Social Science | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
TOTAL | 16 |
Winter Term |
Credits |
Additional BS Requirements: Math (See MyDegrees) | 4 |
BAC Core Difference, Power & Discrimination | 3 |
BAC Core Literature & the Arts | 3 |
NMC Intermediate Course (2 of 6) | 3 |
General elective | 3 |
TOTAL | 16 |
Spring Term |
Credits |
Additional BS Requirements: Science (See MyDegrees) | 3 |
NMC Intermediate Course (3 of 6) | 3 |
Liberal Arts Core Non-Western Culture | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 |
- Complete WR II before NMC 301.
- Majors are encouraged to use general electives to obtain a minor.
- Social Processes & Institutions is met by taking and passing NMC 101.
- Students are highly recommended to participate in Orange Media Network. See Advisor for details.
- Students should explore workshops, training, career fairs, and advising in the Career Development Center. See advisor for details
Fall Term |
Credits |
NMC 301 | 3 |
BAC Core Science, Technology & Society | 3 |
NMC Intermediate Course (4 of 6) | 3 |
Liberal Arts Core Humanities | 3 |
General Electives | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 |
Winter Term |
Credits |
NMC Intermediate Course (5 of 6) | 3 |
Liberal Arts Core One additional CLA Core | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General elective | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 |
Spring Term |
Credits |
NMC Intermediate Course (6 of 6) | 3 |
BAC Core Contemporary Global Issues | 3 |
Contemporary Global Issues | 3 |
General elective/minor course | 3 |
General elective/minor course | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 |
- Complete NMC 301 by Spring term of 3nd year.
- General Electives are any course 100-400 level. Check with Advisor on level needed.
- Internship and/or practicum highly recommended. See Advisor for details.
Fall Term |
Credits |
NMC Advanced Course (1 of 5) | 3 |
NMC Advanced Course (2 of 5) | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 |
Winter Term |
Credits |
NMC Advanced Course (3 of 5) | 3 |
NMC Advanced Course (4 of 5) | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 |
Spring Term |
Credits |
NMC Advanced Course (5 of 5) | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 |
TOTAL | 12 |
- Beginning of Fall term confirm remaining graduation requirements
- Start applying for graduate school at the beginning of the Fall 2021 term
- Applying for jobs during Winter term