HdM Media Creation & Management Minor

MEDIA CREATION & Management Minor

The HdM Media Creation & Management Minor gives international students the opportunity to gain inside knowledge in creating and capitalizing media. This includes developing the idea, putting it into practice with production, and managing the results and finances. To learn more about the program content, and to see course outlines, please visit the HdM website.

To see how the Media Creation & Management Minor can fit into the DCA major, please consult the table below:

HdM Media Creation & Management
HdM Course DCA/NMC Equivalency Production
International Media Management NMC 440: Media Management No
Corporate Finance & Entrepreneurship NMC 441: Media Entrepreneurship No
Marketing-Management and Digital Marketing (Summer semester only) Upper-Division; Intermediate NMC No
Internet & Digital Media (Winter semester only) Lower-Division; Intermediate NMC No
Media Production Upper-Division; Intermediate NMC Yes
Field Trip/Study Project Upper-Division; Intermediate NMC No
Please note:
  • Only courses applicable to the NMC department are listed above
  • A maximum of 5 HdM courses are allowed to count in the DCA major or NMC minor