Oregon State University is home to the Alpha Beta Theta Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta (LPH), the official honor society of the National Communication Association, nationally recognized as Rookie Chapter of the Year for 2013. We meet weekly for Communication in Context discussions where we apply communication theories and concepts we've learned in our COMM courses to real world examples such as current events, social media, and daily life. All COMM majors and minors are welcome to join us at a meeting to learn more about our chapter!
Our meetings are in Shepard 105
Like our Facebook page to stay in the loop on upcoming meetings, discussion topics, and events.
The purposes of LPH are:
- To recognize, foster and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies;
- To stimulate interest in the field of communication;
- To promote and encourage professional development among communication majors; and
- To provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication.
Lambda Pi Eta represents what Aristotle described in his book, Rhetoric, as the three ingredients of persuasion: Logos (Lambda) meaning logic, Pathos (Pi) relating to emotion, and Ethos (Eta) defined as character, credibility, and ethics.
Becoming a Member:
We are always in search of exceptional undergraduate students who are interested in becoming members of the chapter.
Eligible candidates for national membership must meet the following requirements, but we encourage others who do not meet these requirements to attend a meeting to learn more about chapter membership eligibility:
- cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher,
- COMM GPA of at least 3.25,
- completed 60 semester credit-hours at OSU,
- completed 12 semester credit-hours in COMM,
- exhibits high standards of personal and professional character and shall support the purposes of the honor society,
- declared COMM as major or minor.
If you are interested in becoming a member, feel free to attend one of our weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 5:30pm in Shepard Hall, Room 105.
See the National Communication Association's website about Lambda Pi Eta membership for more details on the benefits and membership process.
For more information, please contact either the faculty advisor, a current officer (see below for contact information), or like our Facebook page for updates.
LPH Alpha Beta Theta Faculty Advisor:
Trischa Goodnow, Ph.D., Professor, Speech Communication
Shepard Hall B3, [email protected]
2011-2022 officers:
Harnit Mahal: President
Max Campbell: Co-President
Claire Havener: Secretary
Runa Maeda: Treasurer