The department offers four different paths in the major and a minor:
Organizations want employees who can think, communicate orally, write, and solve problems, and who are comfortable with quantitative analysis. The General Economics Option perfectly prepares students to meet these demands. The General Economics Option is available via Corvallis campus and Ecampus.
The Managerial Economics Option is an interdisciplinary program which allows students to use business classes toward the requirements of the economics degree. The Managerial Economics Option is suited for students interested in pursuing jobs or graduate study in business with a strong economics background. The Managerial Economics Option is available via Corvallis campus and Ecampus.
The Law, Economics and Policy Option is an interdisciplinary program drawing from political science and philosophy courses as well as economics. This option serves students interested in public service or advanced study in law or public policy. The Law, Economics and Policy Option is available via Corvallis campus and Ecampus.
As the economics profession becomes increasingly mathematical, economics majors who plan to go to graduate school need a strong math background. The Mathematical Economics Option provides students with the technical background necessary for graduate work in Economics and Finance. The Mathematical Economics Option is available via Corvallis campus.
The Economics Minor is a valuable addition for the person choosing to supplement another major. The Economics Minor is available via Corvallis campus and Ecampus.
Undergraduate students in economics can enhance and extend their learning through internships , study abroad programs and the University Honors program. Honors thesis topics have included the effect of the North American Free Trade Agreement on technology in Mexico, and the effect of oil price shocks on U.S. inflation. Economics students have also held internships at the Oregon Senate and the Oregon Affirmative Action Office. In addition, many students are members of the Economics Club, a student run organization that fosters discussion and debate among students and faculty.
“Economics is about more than just supply and demand, it is a way of thinking. It teaches you to look at the world from a logical perspective and it is flexible enough to be utilized in almost any walk of life. As an aspiring lawyer, the rational approach to problem solving that I have learned in Economics will undoubtedly help me in my quest for truth and justice.”
-Blake Bowman