Political Science Advising

Advisor for On-campus & Ecampus Students

Andrew Edwards

418B Bexell Hall
E-mail: [email protected]

Andy Edwards is unsure of where his hometown really is; he needs his own concert t-shirt.  He grew up in North Carolina, attended high school in Connecticut, and has lived in Arizona, Texas, Illinois, Tennessee, Indiana, Germany, and Oregon.  He has bachelor’s degrees in history and political science from Northwestern and master’s degrees in College Administration from Indiana and Sociology from Oregon (boo, hiss!).  Although he tries to suppress his inner geek, it does take over when discussing Lord of the Rings and the Muppets.  He has been an academic advisor for multiple majors at various universities for over twenty-five years.

Advising appointments can be made via one of two online systems.  

Top Online Political Science Degree Programs1. Please see the links below for some frequently asked questions.  You might find an answer without needing an appointment!
2. Please see farther below for a list of advising expectations.
3. If I am currently your assigned advisor (true of most non-First-year PS majors), you can make an appointment via Beaver Hub.
    Please click on the "Success Team" tab and find my name in the list.  Once you click on it, there is a button to "Schedule an Appointment"
    at the top of my profile.  In the "What would you like to talk about?" box, please include as much detail as you can.
4. Otherwise, the "Book Now" link below will take you to my MS Bookings appointment system.
5. When setting your appointment, please use your OSU e-mail address if you have one.

 To use MS Bookings to make an appointment with Andy, use this button: 


Advisor & Student Appointment Expectations

As the student, you should:

  • Know that you are responsible for your own educational decisions and attaining your degree.
  • Learn your graduation requirements and the academic regulations at OSU.
  • Be prepared for your appointment by going through My Degrees, picking possible classes, and making a question list prior to the appointment.  Also, bring pen and paper to take notes!
  • Explore your interests and goals with your advisor and with the Career Development Center.
  • Strive to pick classes that not only hit requirements but also explore these interests and goals.
  • Arrive on time (or early!) to your advising appointments, and cancel the ones you cannot make (note: if you are 10 minutes late to a half-hour appointment you will need to reschedule).

Your advisor should:

  • Outline the pros and cons of your educational decisions, but ultimately leave the choice to you.
  • Clarify academic requirements, policies, and procedures.
  • Highlight classroom and experiential opportunities of which the student may not be aware.
  • Assist students in choosing classes that meet graduation requirements and life goals.
  • Provide referrals to useful campus resources.
  • Encourage you to meet with faculty during their office hours.  They can share methods for improving classroom performance, and provide insight on graduate schools and other opportunities in the field.