Undergraduate Minor

The Sociology Minor

A minimum of 27 credits of sociology coursework, to include the following:

  • SOC 204 - Introduction to Sociology - 3 credits (prerequisite to all upper division courses)

One of the following: - 4 credits

  • SOC 340 - Deviant Behavior
  • SOC 418 - Qualitative Sociology
  • SOC 421 - Social Change and Modernization
  • SOC 422 - Sociology of Organization
  • SOC 424 - Social Psychology
  • SOC 426 - Social Inequality
  • SOC 450 - Sociology of Education
  • SOC 452 - Sociology of Religion
  • SOC 456 - Science and Technology in Social Context

Additional sociology elective credits to bring total credits to at least 27.

Additional restrictions:

  1. A minimum GPA of 2.00 must be earned in sociology coursework.
  2. A maximum of 12 credits of lower division sociology can be transferred and accepted toward a minor in sociology.
  3. Only 4 credits earned is SOC 406 (projects) and/or 410 (internship) may be applied toward the 27 credit minimum for a minor in sociology.