Statement from the Sociology Faculty at Oregon State University Condemning Anti-Asian Racism.

The Sociology faculty at Oregon State University condemn in the strongest possible terms the violence and racism directed at Asians and Asian Americans across the country. From the beginning of our global pandemic crisis, people of Asian descent have been targeted with prejudice, racism, threats, and physical violence. Racism towards this group has been practiced and encouraged at the highest levels of political office. We also recognize that many of our own students feel particularly vulnerable during this time because of the racist and vile scapegoating regarding the origins of the COVID-19 virus. Scapegoating regarding the origins of the COVID-19 virus has caused our own students to feel vulnerable and vilified. We stand with our Asian and Asian American students, faculty, and neighbors against white supremacist discourse and actions.

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Sociology Program Statement in Support of Protests

The sociology faculty at Oregon State University stand in solidarity with our Black Students, our Black colleagues, and our Black neighbors. We support the widespread protests against police brutality. The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the many others preceding them are part of a long history of racism and violence aimed at Black Americans. We are heartbroken for their families and communities. We support the Black Lives Matter Movement, and we condemn President Trump’s threats against protestors who seek police accountability and reforms. 

To our students, we want to let you know that we see each and every one of you. We believe that training in sociology uniquely positions those of you who are White and non-Black to be true and genuine allies to your Black peers. We encourage you to take care of yourselves and of each other as this academic term comes to an end and we transition to an uncertain summer. And importantly, we look forward to seeing you all in our classes again, either in person or remotely.