Support by Alumni

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Sociology Department!

We would like to thank all of our donors and friends who have contributed to the Sociology Fund.  With these contributions we have been able to provide a number of awards and opportunities for our students, including the following awards:

  • William C. Jenné Award for Excellence. The Jenné Award is given each year in recognition of overall excellence in the sociological enterprise. We recognize this student for their outstanding intellectual ability to use a sociological perspective, as well as their application of that perspective within the community.
  • Charles E. Starnes Writing Award. This award goes to a sociology major the faculty deem to have written the best paper as part of a regularly scheduled class each year.
  • Alumni Awards for Excellence

In addition to these awards, we have drawn on alumni/friend contributions to sponsor events and guest speakers, and to support the travel of undergraduates to professional conferences.

You can make a donation to a specific award or to our general fund (Sociology Unrestricted).  If you have a specific idea for a new award, we would love to hear from you.  If you would like to make a gift, or would like assistance as you consider making a gift, please contact:

Grady Goodall
Director of Development
[email protected]

A special thanks to those who have donated to our Sociology Fund :

  • Gregory and Janet Brown
  • Anna Bifano
  • Patricia Billings
  • Marcia and Scott Brusse
  • Frances and Raymond Carlile
  • Carlie and Terry Chubb
  • Peter and Carolyn Crosby
  • Sherry Devoe
  • Alma Felix
  • Julie and Tim Fisher
  • Thomas Ficker
  • Carole Fontana
  • John Fuller
  • Brian German
  • Christopher Gillem
  • Ann Graf
  • Jeffrey and Kimberly Hale
  • Dr. Louis and Kelley Hampers
  • Neal and Shannon Japport
  • William C. and Nan Jenné
  • John and Teresa Landau
  • Scott and Loretta Leaming
  • Jonathan Martz
  • James and Elizabeth McElhinny
  • Persida Paulescu
  • Mark Pratt
  • Anne and Doug Smith
  • Elizabeth Sweet
  • Michael and Karen Thompson
  • James and Suzanne Townley
  • Ann Wilcox
  • Rick and Susanne Wiser
  • Eric and Amity Wrolstad
  • Thomas Wubben
  • Darrick and Rosalie Wyllie