The Wakeful Body Book Study

wakeful body book study

@ Marigold: The OSU Center for Contemplative Practice

Mondays 6:30-8PM | November 4, 11, 18, 25

Pricing (Sliding Scale):  $40 • $55 • $70

648 SW 2nd Street Corvallis, OR 97333 | Please use our shared entrance with Wild Yeast on SW B Ave.

REGISTRATION IS FULL -  please contact [email protected] to be added to our wait list!


About The Wakeful Body

In this multi-week book study and facilitated practice group, we will investigate “somatic mindfulness as a path to freedom.” The intent of these practices are to “tap into the wisdom of the body with down-to-earth practices that allow the body to become the source of mindfulness.” Each session will be a discussion and practice of different techniques mentioned in the book. 



wakeful body

Praise for The Wakeful Body

"This remarkable book brings the body into clear focus as a medium of awakening."

Roshi Joan Halifax, abbot, Upaya Zen Center

"The Wakeful Body is a wisdom treasure bringing forth the insights, life stories, hidden teachings, and practice pathways on how to tend the ‘agriculture of the soul,’ including knots, entanglements, and uprooting embodied suffering toward liberation and integration. Lama Willa’s experience and collection of teachings on the power of flow, dance, and movement practices in Tibetan Buddhist traditions is a rare treasure offered by a pioneering teacher with great benefit to all. Emaho! A classic is born for future generations."

—Shiva Rea, founder of Samudra Global School of Living Yoga and author of Tending the Heart Fire

"In a most refreshing way, Lama Willa invites us to wake up to the wisdom of our bodies. Her skillful and practical guidance, informed by years of deep practice in yoga and Tibetan Buddhist meditation, literally moves us in new ways to be embodied and get out of our heads. The Wakeful Body is a treasure of a book filled with countless gems to nourish and ground. It will be a trusted resource for years to come that I will return to time and time again."

—Susan Bauer-Wu, PhD, RN, president of the Mind & Life Institute and author of Leaves Falling Gently







Buy the Book:

Grass Roots Book StoreShambala Publications | Thriftbooks | Amazon
Borrow the Book: Libby Library App |  Cloud Library App

For questions about registration or ability-related accommodations, please contact [email protected] or leave a voice mail at 541-737-4785 with a text/call-back number. 


About Joseph Bailey


Image of Joseph Bailey

Joseph Bailey’s wisdom traditions inquiry spans over 50 years. It began in the early 1960’s as a child living in Japan as a secular Christian within a military culture. Retreats in India in the early 80’s deepened his practice. The last 30 years’ primary focus has been in the Buddhist Tantric and Dzogchen traditions (Tibetan and Indian). He completed a variety of foundational practices and long individual retreats within the Tibetan Buddhist Nyingma and Dzogchen paths. Somatically, his path includes a variety of hatha yoga, pranayama and other Indian and contemporary movement practices. The mid-80s found him teaching hatha yoga in the Iyengar and Ashtanga traditions. He has been a student of a variety of somatic practices and lately with Continuum and Imaginal and Ecstatic Movement. Through the 80s and 90s he was a mountain, river, and wilderness guide. Over the last five years he has studied Nada Yoga (a sound practice within the Tibetan and Indian traditions). Currently he is interested in the Tantric and Dzogchen wisdom traditions, ancient and contemporary somatic and sounding practices, and mythopoetic inquiries that help people thrive in concert with the more-than-human-world.