Summer Retreat

Annual Retreat Flyer with rolling green foothills

Retreat Information

Location: Near Alsea Hwy 20 minutes SW of campus by car

Cost: $200 Community | $150 OSU Employees | Free for Students

Retreat Planning Guide | FAQs & Covid Precautions | Registration

This three day, non-residential retreat offering weaves three themes: nature, connection, and tools for well-being. We'll honor and engage the abundant land and sky and the nature of our own body-minds to support presence, clarity, and recognition of the inextricable connectedness of all reality. Daily sessions include gentle postural yoga, simple Om mantra practice, time in nature, and stillness meditations shared by Sushovita Pal, CSI Director John Edwards, and Kate Gallagher. Members of CSI's steering committee will offer perspectives and practices peppered throughout the weekend. Yogic and Buddhist philosophies provide the basis of inspiration with additional influences from the sciences and contemplative writing. Most sessions will be held in open-air, covered spaces; the event is designed for flexible indoor-outdoor participation as each participant is comfortable. An outdoor, vegetarian dinner will be served Friday evening starting at 5pm and lunches will be served Saturday and Sunday at 12:30pm.

We request everyone take a rapid Covid test within 24 hours prior the start of the retreat. Free home tests are available at OSU's MU info desk. Ability-related accommodations can be made by calling 541-737-4785 or emailing [email protected]

CSI Annual Contemplative Retreat 

nature, connection & tools for well being

September 2-4 | Overlooking the Coast Range | Philomath, OR

Fri 5-8pm | Sat 9am-3pm | Sun 9am-3pm

This retreat is currently full, but we expect to be able to accommodate most, or at least some, people on our wait list.  Please go ahead and register to be added to the waitlist and we will keep in touch about space availability. 

