Emeritus Appointment

Ph.D. in Spanish from University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. in Spanish from University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. in Ibero-American Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.A. in Spanish, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Curriculum Vitae: 

Profile Field Tabs


Kay (Kayla) S. García is Professor of Spanish in the School of Language, Culture and Society at Oregon State University. She is the author of Broken Bars: New Perspectives from Mexican Women Writers (University of New Mexico Press, 1994) and Latino and Latina Leaders of the Twenty-first Century (Floricanto Press, 2013). Her published work includes several translations of short stories and poems, as well as five book-length literary translations: Mourning for Papá: A Story of a Syrian-Jewish Family in Mexico (Los dolientes by Jacobo Sefamí); Paletitas de guayaba/On a Train Called Absence, co-translated with the author, Erlinda Gonzales-Berry; When I was a Horse and Other Stories (collection of stories by Brianda Domecq); The Astonishing Story of the Saint of Cabora (La insólita historia de la Santa de Cabora by Brianda Domecq); and Eleven Days (Once días...y algo más, by Brianda Domecq). Her most recent project is a bilingual edition of Elena Poniatowska’s story for children, La vendedora de nubes/Cloud for Sale!

Affiliated with: 
Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
Research/Career Interests: 

Kay (Kayla) S. García is an emeritus Professor of Spanish in the School of Language, Culture and Society at OSU. She specializes in Latin American Literature and Culture. Recently she team-taught an Ethnic Studies course, in which she used her new book, Latino and Latina Leaders of the 21st Century. She also is the author of Broken Bars: New Perspectives from Mexican Women Writers, which she uses in her Mexican Women Writers course. She has translated six books from Spanish to English, and occasionally teaches courses on literature in translation or on the art of literary translation. She enjoys teaching a capstone course in which students prepare to use Spanish in the field of their choice (such as medicine, law, education, science, social work).