The CLA websites are currently under construction and may not reflect the most current information until the end of the Fall Term.
Selected Publications:
Elkaramany, Mohamed and Mark Edwards. 2022. “State Policy Effects on the Suppression of CalFresh Participation Rates.” Journal of Poverty DOI: 10.1080/ 10875549.2022.2065560
Leanne Giordono, David Rothwell, Stephanie Grutzmacher, & Mark Edwards. 2022. “Understanding SNAP use patterns among older adults.” Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy DOI: 10.1002/aepp.13228
Grobe, Deana, Mark Edwards, and Bruce Weber. 2020. “The Complex Dynamics of Work, Wages, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation.” Journal of Poverty. DOI: 10.1080/10875549.2019.1616032
Edwards, Mark, Colleen Heflin, Peter Mueser, Sue Porter, and Bruce Weber. 2016. “The Great Recession and SNAP Caseloads: A Tale of Two States” Journal of Poverty 20(3):261-277.
Porter, Suzanne and Mark Edwards. 2014. "Household and Economic Factors Associated with Geographic and School Mobility Among Low-Income Children." Journal of Children and Poverty 20(2):111-130.