
Office: 541-250-2604

Shepard Hall

Shepard Hall B3

2001 SW Campus Way

2001 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

B.S. Speech Communication and Theatre, Clarion University of Pennsylvania

M.A. Communication Studies, Emerson College

Ph.D. Rhetoric, University of Pittsburgh

Profile Field Tabs


Dr. Trischa Goodnow (Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh) teaches courses in rhetorical theory and criticism, popular culture and freedom of Speech.  Her primary research focus is on visual rhetoric about which she studies the rhetoric of photography and memorials.  She has also published in the area of popular culture and humor.




Goodnow, Trischa, and J. Kimble, eds. On The Role Of Cognitive Possibility In Propaganda Appeals. Metaphor , Narrative, And The Visual. A. 2013. 75-86. Print. Metaphor , Narrative, And The Visual.
Goodnow, Trischa. Facing Off: A Comparative Analysis Of Obama And Romney Facebook Timeline Photographs. American Behavioral Scientist American Behavioral Scientist 57.11 (2013): 1584 - 1595. Print. American Behavioral Scientist American Behavioral Scientist.


Research/Career Interests: 

I am a visual rhetoric scholar. I am particularly interested in how visual rhetoric and activism intersect. Currently, I am working on a book on how we visual school shootings.