You're on the Right Track!
Referring to this timeline will help you stay on track during your time as an English Major.
First Year
- Meet with your advisor at the College of Liberal Arts (Bexell Hall)
- Complete START
- Take ENG 200: Library Skills
- Take foreign language courses
- Join the English Language Association (ELA)
- Complete first year course requirements
Annual Events to Attend:
- SWLF/ELA Holiday Party - November
- The OSU Undergraduate Research Conference - May
- Scholarship and Awards Celebration - June
- SWLF Picnic - June
- Attend guest lecture events such as the Visiting Writers Series, the Literary Northwest Series, and the Critical Questions Lecture Series.
Annual Deadlines:
Apply for scholarships - the first week of April during Spring term
Second Year
- Meet with your advisor, Steve Kunert
- Take ENG 345: Introduction to Literary Criticism
- Apply for Sigma Tau Delta (after a minimum of 5 terms of coursework)
- Complete a Writing Intensive Course (WIC)
- Complete foreign language courses
- Declare a minor
- Complete second year course requirements
Tip for success:
Make sure to visit each of your instructors during their office hours, as well as your Academic Advisor, every term!
Third Year
- Meet with your advisor, Steve Kunert
- Visit Career Services at the College of Liberal Arts (Bexell Hall)
- Apply to the NW Undergraduate Conference in Humanities
- Apply for the SWLF/SHPR Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium
- Apply for the OSU Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Apply for an internship
- If you haven't taken it yet, enroll in ENG 399: Career Prep for English Majors - Can be taken Sophomore through Senior year
- Study abroad and write about your travels while completing a BACC Core requirement - WR 228: Writing Abroad
- Consider applying to the Accelerated Masters Platform
- Complete third year course requirements
- Apply for scholarships
Fourth Year
- Meet with your advisor, Steve Kunert
- Apply to the Sigma Tau Delta Conference
- Apply for the NW Undergraduate Conferences in Humanities
- Apply for the SWLF/SHPR Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference
- Apply for the OSU Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Complete an internship
- Prepare for your future by taking ENG 399: Career Prep for English Majors
- Consider applying for graduate school if you are not working toward the Accelerated Masters Platform
- Complete fourth year course requirements
- Graduate!