Director - SWLF | Associate Professor

Office: 541-737-1634

Moreland Hall

Moreland Hall 240B

2550 SW Jefferson Way

2550 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Office Hours: 
By appointment

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
School of Writing, Literature, and Film
OSU Main Campus
Courses Taught: 

WR 512: Contemporary Composition Theory

WR 462/582: Environmental Writing

WR 420/520: Style & The Sentence

WR 411/511: The Teaching of Writing

WR 303: Writing for the Web

WR 121: English Composition

WR 517: WR 121 Teaching Practicum

WR 599: WR 222 Teaching Practicum

WR 599: Dissertation Writing 

Research/Career Interests: 

Tim Jensen researches and teaches rhetorical theory, environmental communication, and composition pedagogy. His book, Ecologies of Guilt in Environmental Rhetorics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), illuminates how environmental guilt is provoked, perpetuated, and framed through everyday discourse. It argues that our emotional literacies are poorly suited for navigating environmental guilt, as the latter is collective in nature, but we've conceptualized guilt through an individual lens. 

Prior to becoming Director of the School of Writing, Literature, and Film, he served as Director of Writing, overseeing foundational writing courses at OSU and mentoring Graduate Teaching Assistants in their pedagogical skills. Alongside his administrative work and academic research, he is actively involved in wild salmon advocacy and other ecological restoration projects. He hopes to one day grow up on a farm.