School of Language, Culture, and Society

The School of
Language, Culture,
and Society

Academic Programs

Bobby Disler

Alumni Focus

On a mission to ‘make tomorrow better than today’ for younger generations

WGSS alum develops skills online to impact lives in his community and beyond

Nobody is defined by one thing.

This is true of Bobby Disler. He’s a proud husband and father, Navy veteran, tireless volunteer, social worker and changemaker in his community.

Read More on the Ecampus website

Indigenous Studies

"Cluster hire” allows SLCS to proceed with plans to launch a minor in Indigenous Studies

For David G. Lewis, it frees up time for his groundbreaking work on Oregon Native American history. For Patricia Fifita, it’s reaching “the pinnacle of the academic pathway.” For Luhui Whitebear, it offers ways to honor her mentors by connecting with today’s Indigenous students at Oregon State University.

The three, all of whom have long connections with OSU, recently earned tenure-track appointments as assistant professors in the School of Language, Culture, and Society, part of OSU’s College of Liberal Arts. The so-called “cluster hire” allows the school to proceed with plans to launch a minor in Indigenous Studies; approval for that should come this academic year. read more >

group photo cluster hire

Indigenous Land Recognition

Land Acknowledgement

Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, is located within the traditional homelands of the Mary's River or Ampinefu Band of Kalapuya.  Following the Willamette Valley Treaty of 1855 (Kalapuya etc. Treaty), Kalapuya people were forcibly removed to reservations in Western Oregon. Today, living descendants of these people are a part of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians.