Our Academic Advisors are here to help students strategize clear pathways to their educational and career goals.
- Help you identify opportunities to help you gain experiences and skills in your field of study or career path
- Help you to understand how what you’re learning in the classroom connects to your long-term goals
- Help connect you to OSU resources that help you further understand and navigate your educational and career pathways.
Students can connect with an Advisor via email, phone, or by scheduling a one-on-one advising appointment. Remote/Zoom appointments are available with all our advisors!
What length of appointment should I schedule?
- Quick question or check-in
- Follow-up to recent appointment
- Registration issues or changes
- S/U change of grading or W from course
- Course planning for upcoming term
- Study Abroad
- Internship
- Declare a Minor/option/certificate
- Graduation progress check
- Declare a SLCS Major
- Year long course planning (more than 2 terms)
- Quick registration questions
- Career Exploration
- Academic difficulty and success strategies

Head Academic Advisor
- Anthropology – Corvallis Campus
- Ethnic Studies
- French
- German
- International Studies
- Spanish – Corvallis campus
- Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies (Corvallis & Ecampus students)
Minors & Certificate:
- Asian Languages & Cultures
- Food in Culture & Social Justice
- French
- German
- Global Development
- Global Learning Certificate
- Indigenous Studies
- Queer Studies
- Spanish

- College Student Services Administration – Ecampus students only

- Anthropology – Ecampus students only
- Spanish – Ecampus students only
Drop-In Hours
Zoom Only
Wednesdays 7-10am PST and 3-6pm PST
Password: 230074
Phone Dial-In Information
+1 971 247 1195 US (Portland)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 369 977 3991