Ph. D., University of California, Irvine, Political Science, June 2010
M.A., University of California, Irvine, Political Science, 2009
B.A. University of California, Riverside, Major: Political Science, Minor: Statistics 2004
Assistant Professor, Oregon State University, Fall 2015-Present
Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale 2011-2015
Assistant Professor, Wellesley College 2010 – 2011
A detailed list of publications, replication files and a full CV can be accessed on
Christopher Stout. 2015. Bringing Race Back In: Black Politicians, Deracialization, and Voting Behavior in the Age of Obama. (University of Virginia Press)
Christopher Stout and Reuben Kline. “Racialization, Competitiveness and Polling Discrepancies for Minority Candidates." Public Opinion Quarterly (Forthcoming)
Vanessa Stout, Kelsy Kretschmer, and Christopher Stout. “The Continuing Significance of History: An Active Learning Simulation to Teach Racial Inequality." Journal of Political Science Education (Forthcoming)
Christopher Stout and Jennifer R. Garcia. 2015. “The Big Tent Effect: Descriptive Candidates and Black and Latino Political Partisanship" American Politics Research Vol. 43 No. 2
Christopher Stout and Danvy Le. 2012. “Living the Dream: Barack Obama and Blacks Changing Perceptions of the American Dream" Social Science Quarterly Vol. 93 No. 5
Christopher Stout and Reuben Kline. 2011.”I’m Not Voting for Her: Polling Discrepancies and Female Candidates" Political Behavior Vol. 33 No. 3
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Energy Policy
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SPP Program:
Political Science
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