Richard Clinton
Professor Emeritus - Political Science
School of Public Policy
Gilkey Hall 300E
122 SW Waldo Place
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Research/Career Interests
Additional Information
Ph.D., 1971, "Political Science", emphasizing Latin American Politics, Political Philosophy, and Population Studies, UNC-CH.
M.A., 1964, "Latin American Area Studies" with dual major in "Anthropology and History", VU.
B.A., 1960, "Spanish" and minors in English, Geology, Mathematics, and Political Science, VU.
- PS205
- PS344
- PS405H
- PS452/552
Areas of Interest
- Knowledge & Attitudes of Peruvian Opinion Leaders Regarding Population and Development
- Implications of Global Interdependence
- Sustainable Development
- Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Memorial Lectures
Brief Vita
- 1968 - 1971: Ph.D. in Political Science, emphasizing Latin American Politics, Political Philosophy, and Population Studies. UNC-CH. Dissertation: "Problems of Population Policy Formation in Peru." Committee: John D. Martz, Federico G. Gil, Henry A. Landsberger, James W. Prothro, and Charles B. Robson.
- 1961 - 1964: M.A. in Latin American Area Studies with dual major in Anthropology and History. VU. Principal Examiners: Emilio Willems and J. León Helguerra. M.A. in History with concentration in Latin America. VU. Thesis: "Manuel González Prada: Evolution of his Political Thought." Director: Alexander Marchant.
- 1963 (Summer): Language study. Goethe Institut (Murnau/OB., Germany).
- 1961 (6 months): Study of Peruvian culture and history. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru).
- 1960 (Summer): Study of Spanish and Spanish American literature. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico).
- 1956 - 1960: B.A., cum laude, with major in Spanish and minors (defined as a minimum of twelve semester hours) in English, Geology, Mathematics, and Political Science, VU. Advisor: William H. Roberts.
- 1953 - 1956: Edgewater High School (Orlando, Florida).
Consultant To
- Project Vote Smart (PVS), Philipsburg, MT (November 2000 & September 2001)
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Official Evaluator of University of Oregon Summer Institute on Mexico in Transition, Eugene, OR (July 1992 & 1994)
- Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Chiclayo, Ilo, and Lima, Peru (February-March 1990).
- United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), La Paz, Bolivia, and Guatemala, Guatemala (October-November 1988).
- Oregon International Council, Oregon Faculty Seminar, Cholula, Mexico (July 1986).
- Confederación Universitaria Centroamericana (CSUCA), San José, Panama, Managua, San Salvador, Guatemala City, Tegucigalpa (August 1985).
- International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region, Inc., San José, Costa Rica (July 1984).
- International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region, Inc., Tegucigalpa, Honduras (March 1984).
- Consejo Nacional de Población, Lima, Peru (August 1982 - June 1983).
- The Ford Foundation, Review Panel for the Ford-Rockefeller Population and Development Policy Research Program, New York, NY (August 1978).
- Westinghouse Health Systems/AID, Washington, D.C. (July 1978).
- United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), San Salvador, El Salvador (August - September 1977).
- The Ford Foundation, Lima, Peru (January 1977).
- Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Facultades de Medicina, Bogotá, Colombia (January 1975).
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), Site Team to M.I.T., Cambridge, MA (September 1974).
- U.S. Department of State, Agency for International Development (AID), Lima, Peru (August 1974).
Grants and Contracts
- Research Grant, United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), Lima, Peru, 1997.
- Travel Grant, OSU Library, Washington, D.C., and New York City, 1997.
- Travel Grant, Ford Foundation, Lima, Peru, 1984.
- Visiting Scholar Grant, Stanford-Berkeley Joint Center for Latin American Studies, 1984.
- College of Liberal Arts Research Grant, OSU, 1984.
- Association of American Colleges Project QUILL (Quality in Liberal Learning) Grant, College of Liberal Arts, OSU, 1980 - 1981.
- General Education Models Project, OSU, 1978 - 1981.
- Oregon Committee for the Humanities Grant for a year-long series of programs entitled "Exploring Global Community", OSU, 1978 - 1979.
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grant to establish a population-ecology position in the Department of Political Science, UNC-CH, 1976 - 1979.
- National Institute of Health Centers Grant for research and salary support of population-related faculty in the Department of Political Science, UNC-CH, 1974 - 1977.
- Agency for International Development; A Pilot Program in Population Policy Analysis, Development, and Application in the Carolina Population Center, UNC-CH, 1971 -1975.
- Center for the Humanities Advisory Board 2002 -
- Oregon State University Faculty Senate, 2000 ? 2002
- College of Liberal Arts Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Research Board, OSU, 1999 -
- College of Liberal Arts Pauling Lecture Committee, OSU, 1998 -
- Department of Political Science Chandler Scholarship Committee, 1996 -
- Department of Political Science Budget Committee, OSU, 1994 - 1997.
- College of Liberal Arts Student Review and Appeals Committee, OSU, 1992 - 1994.
- Department of Political Science Curriculum Committee, OSU, 1990 ? 1994, 2002 -
- Oregon State System of Higher Education Executive Board of the Exchange Program in Ecuador, 1988 - 1993.
- Peace Studies Program Committee, OSU, 1987 -
- College of Liberal Arts Personnel Committee, 1986 - 1988.
- Department of Political Science Personnel Committee, OSU, 1986 - 1989.
- Task Force on Curriculum Review, OSU, 1986.
- International Council, OSU, 1984 - 1985.
- Steering Committee/Board of Directors, Guatemala Scholars Network (Washington, D.C.), 1981 - 1982.
- Awards Committee, Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies, 1981.
- Chair, General Education Committee, OSU, 1978 - 1981.
- United Campus Ministry (Westminster House) Advisory Board, OSU, 1978 - 1992.
- Oregon State System of Higher Education Executive Board of the Oregon Study Center in Mexico, 1977 - 1982.
- University Energy Management Committee, OSU, 1979 - 1981.
- Committee on Feasibility of an MAIS in International Development, OSU, 1979.
- Coordinator, OSU University Theme Program, 1978 - 1979 ("Exploring the Global Community: The Emerging
- International Economic Order").
- Advisory Board, OSU University Theme Program, 1977 - 1978 ("In Search of Alternatives: The Human Dimension").
- Advisory Board, UNC-CH Symposium on Human Survival, 1975.
- International Population Policy Consortium, Coordinator 1971 - 1972; Executive Secretary 1972 - 1975.