Rorie Solberg

Profile headshot

Rorie Solberg

Professor and Associate Director - Political Science
School of Public Policy

Bexell Hall 406
2251 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States

Research/Career Interests

Policy Areas: International and comparative environmental policy, comparative rural policy, science and scientists in the policy process, energy policy, sustainable state and local governance.

PhD: Washington State University

Additional Information



Research Interests

  • Judicial Politics

Curriculum Vitae


Brief Vita


  • Ph.D., 1997 The Ohio State University
    M.A., 1995 The Ohio State University
    B.A., 1991 Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri


  • Oregon State University, Associate Professor, Political Science 2007-present
    Oregon State University, Assistant Professor, Political Science 2002-2007
    University of Northern Iowa, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science 2000-2002
    Binghamton University SUNY, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science 1998-2000
    Dartmouth College, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Government 1997-1998


  • Solberg, Rorie Spill and Eric N. Waltenburg. 2014. The Media, the Court, and the Misrepresentation: The New Myth of the Court. Law and Politics Series. Routledge


  • Lisa Holmes, Solberg, Rorie Spill, and Susan B. Haire. 2011. “Neither Gone Nor Forgotten: Evaluating the Potential Impact of Senior Status Judges on the US Courts of Appeals.” Judicature 95: 227-236.
  • Diascro, Jennifer Segal and Rorie Spill Solberg. 2009. “George W. Bush’s Legacy on the Federal Bench: Policy in the Face of Diversity.” Judicature 92: 289-301.
  • Scott, Kevin and Rorie Solberg. 2008. “Remaking the Federal Bench: An Exercise in Futility?” Southern Illinois Law Journal Vol 32: 493-508.
  • Lindquist, Stephanie and Rorie Solberg. 2007.  “Judicial Review by the Burger and Rehnquist Courts: Explaining Justices' Responses to Constitutional Challenges.” Political Research Quarterly. 60: 71-90.
  • Rorie Spill Solberg, Jolly Emrey and Susan Haire. 2006. "Inter-Court Dynamics and Development of Legal Policy: References to Precedents in the U.S. Courts of Appeals.” Policy Studies Journal. Vol. 34: 277-294.
  • Solberg, Rorie Spill and Stefanie A. Linquist. “Activism, Ideology, and Federalism: Judicial Behavior in Constitutional Challenges Before the Rehnquist Court 1986-2000.”  Journal of Empirical Legal Studies.  Vol 3: 237-262. 
  • Solberg, Rorie Spill and Eric Waltenburg. “Evaluating Models of Legal Advocacy”. Social Science Quarterly. Vol 87:558-572.
  • Solberg Rorie Spill. 2006. “Court Size and Diversity on the Bench: The Ninth Circuit and its Sisters.” Arizona Law Review Vol 48: 247-66.
  • Solberg, Rorie Spill. 2005. “Diversity and G.W. Bush’s Judicial Appointments: Serving Two Masters.” Judicature. Vol 88: 276-283.
  • Solberg, Rorie Spill and Kate Bratton. 2005. “Diversifying the Bench: Presidential Patterns.” Justice Systems Journal. Vol 26: 119-133.
  • Spill Solberg, Rorie L. and Leonard Ray. 2005. “All States are not Equal: Investigating the Differential Success of the States in the Courts of Appeals.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly Vol 5: 147-67.
  • Spill Solberg, Rorie L. and Eric S. Heberlig.  2005.  "Communicating to the Courts and Beyond:  Why Members of Congress Participate as Amicus Curiae."  Legislative Studies Quarterly Vol 29:591-610.
  • Bratton, Kathleen A. and Rorie L. Spill. 2004. “Moving Up the Judicial Ladder: The Role of Prior Judicial Experience.” American Politics Research Vol 32:198-218.


  • Spill Solberg, Rorie. “Arthur Goldberg.” In, Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Stephens, Scheb, and Stooksbury, eds. Greenwood Press. 2006.
  • Spill Solberg, Rorie. “James McReynolds.” In Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Stephens, Scheb, and Stooksbury, eds. Greenwood Press. 2006.
  • Spill Solberg, Rorie. “Robert Jackson.” In Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Stephens, Scheb, and Stooksbury, eds. Greenwood Press. 2006.



  • National Science Foundation Grant (2008) Shepardizing the Courts of Appeals Database ($48,599 NSF-SES 0752900)
  • DeLoach Scholarship Award (2005)
  • Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Stewart Faculty Development Award (2004)
  • College of Liberal Arts Research Award (2004)
  • Difference, Power and Discrimination Curriculum Development Grant (2003)
  • Southern Political Science Association Artinian Travel Award (2002)
  • UNI Faculty Summer Fellowship: Grant Proposal Award (2002)
  • Southern Political Science Association Artinian Travel Award (2001)
  • College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Dean’s Summer Research Grant (2001)
  • Southern Political Science Association Artinian Travel Award (1999)
  • Professional Development Award (1998)
  • Summer Research Grant, Binghamton University (1998)
  • Graduate Teaching Associateship at the Ohio State University (1993-1997)
  • Dissertation Grant, Ohio State Graduate School (1995)
  • Graduate Teaching Associateship at ICPSR Summer Methods Institute (1994)