Shawn Hazboun
Policy Areas: Energy and Environmental Policy
PhD: Utah State University
Personal Website
Courses Taught:
SOC 381 - Social Dimensions of Sustainability
PPOL 421 - Introduction to Policy Research
SOC 360 - Population Trends & Policy
SOC 481/581 - Society & Natural Resources
Research/Career Interests:
Shawn is environmental and natural resource sociologist whose research examines community impacts and public perceptions of energy systems, fuels extraction, and transition to a carbon-free future.
- Environmental, natural resource, and community sociology
- Global energy transition and community change
- Public response to renewable energy, fossil fuels extraction, and fossil fuel export
- Rural community wellbeing, extractive histories, and just transitions
Curriculum Vitae
Brief Vita
Ph.D. Sociology, Utah State University, 2017
M.S. Environmental Studies, University of Colorado – Boulder, 2013
B.A. Environmental & Social Movement Studies, The Evergreen State College, 2003
- Boudet, Hilary and Shawn Hazboun (eds.). 2022. Public Response to Fossil Fuel Export: Exporting Energy and Emissions in a Time of Transition. Elsevier.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Mooney, Rachel, Hilary Schaffer Boudet, and Shawn Olson Hazboun. 2022. “Risk-benefit Peceptions of Natural Gas Export in Oregon.” Local Environment 27(3): 342-356. DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2022.2040470
Hazboun, Shawn and Hilary Boudet. 2022. “An Introduction to the Social Dimensions of Fossil Fuel Export in an Era of Energy Transition.” In Hilary Boudet & Shawn Hazboun (eds.), Public Response to Fossil Fuel Export: Exporting Energy and Emissions in a Time of Transition (pp. 3-22). Elsevier.
Hazboun, Shawn and Hilary Boudet. 2022. “Social Dimensions of Fossil Fuel Export: Summary of Learnings and Implications for Research and Practice. In Hilary Boudet & Shawn Hazboun (eds.), Public Response to Fossil Fuel Export: Exporting Energy and Emissions in a Time of Transition (pp. 257-268). Elsevier.
Zanocco, Chad, Shawn Hazboun, Hilary Boudet, and Greg Stelmach. 2022. “The evolution of US public attitudes toward natural gas export: a pooled cross-sectional analysis of time series data (2013-2017).” In Hilary Boudet & Shawn Hazboun (eds.), Public Response to Fossil Fuel Export: Exporting Energy and Emissions in a Time of Transition (pp. 57-72). Elsevier.
Hazboun, Shawn and Hilary Boudet. 2022. “A ‘thin green line’ of resistance against the global fossil fuels trade? Assessing public opinion and risk perceptions of oil, natural gas, and coal export in Northwestern North America.” In Hilary Boudet & Shawn Hazboun (eds.), Public Response to Fossil Fuel Export: Exporting Energy and Emissions in a Time of Transition. Elsevier.
Hazboun, Shawn, Kathleen Saul, Huy Ngyuen, and Richard Weiss. 2022. “Leave it in the Ground, or Send it Abroad? Assessing Themes in Community Response to Coal Export Proposals in Washington State through Topic Modeling of Local News.” In Hilary Boudet & Shawn Hazboun (eds.), Public Response to Fossil Fuel Export: Exporting Energy and Emissions in a Time of Transition (pp. 229-256). Elsevier.
Hazboun, Shawn Olson and Hilary Schaffer Boudet. 2021. “Natural Gas – Friend or Foe of the Environment? Evaluating the Framing Contest over Natural Gas Through a Public Opinion Survey in the Pacific Northwest. Environmental Sociology 7(4): 368-381. DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2021.1904535
Mayer, Adam, Shawn Olson Hazboun, and Stephanie Malin. 2020. “Reaping Rewards, or Missing Out? How Neoliberal Governance and State Growth Machines Condition the Impacts of Oil and Gas Development on Local Well-Being.” Sociological Inquiry: early view. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/soin.12405
Mayer, Adam, Shawn Olson Hazboun, and Peter Howe. 2020. “For the Love of Sun and Wind? Proximity to Renewable Energy Facilities and Support for Renewable Power Across Time and Space.” Energy Research and Social Science (70): 101910. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.101910
Hazboun, Shawn O., Peter D. Howe, D. Layne Coppock, and Jennifer Givens. 2020. “The Politics of Decarbonization: Examining Conservative Partisanship and Differential Support for Climate Change Science and Renewable Energy in Utah.” Energy Research & Social Science (70): 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101769
Givens, Jennifer, Shawn Olson Hazboun, Michael Briscoe, and Richard Krannich. 2020. “Climate Change Views, Energy Policy Support, and Personal Action in the Intermountain West: The Anti-Reflexivity Effect.” Society & Natural Resources. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2020.1769782
Hazboun, Shawn Olson and Hilary Schaffer Boudet. 2020. “Public Preferences in a Shifting Energy Future: Comparing Public Views of Eight Energy Sources in North America’s Pacific Northwest.” Energies 13(8): 1940. DOI: 10.3390/en13081940
Hazboun, Shawn Olson. 2019. “A Left Coast ‘Thin Green Line’? Determinants of Public Attitudes Toward Fossil Fuel Export in the Northwestern United States.” Extractive Industries & Society 6(4): 1340-1349. DOI: 10.1016/j.exis.2019.10.009
Hazboun, Shawn Olson, Michael Briscoe, Jennifer E. Givens, and Richard S. Krannich. 2019. “Keep Quiet on Climate: Assessing Public Response to Seven Renewable Energy Frames in the American West.” Energy Research & Social Science 57: 101243. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2019.101243
Briscoe, Michael, Jennifer E. Givens, Shawn Olson Hazboun, and Richard S. Krannich. 2019. “At Home and In Transit: Gender Differences in Pro-Environmental Household and Transportation Behaviors.” Environmental Sociology 5(4):374-392. DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2019.162833
Mayer, Adam, and Shawn Olson Hazboun. 2019. “Does Fracking Drive You to Drink? Unconventional Oil and Gas Production and Alcohol Consumption in US Counties.” The Extractive Industries and Society 6(3):823-830. DOI: 10.1016/j.exis.2019.04.002
Olson-Hazboun, Shawn K. and Peter D. Howe. 2018. “Public Opinion on Climate Change in the United States: Trends, Factors, and Implications for Rural America.” In Paul Lachapelle & Don Albrecht (eds.), Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States. New York: Routledge.
Olson-Hazboun, Shawn K., Peter Howe, and Anthony Leiserowitz. 2018. “The Influence of Extractive Activities on Public Support for Renewable Energy Policy.” Energy Policy 123:117-126. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.08.044
Olson-Hazboun, Shawn K. 2018. “’Why Are We Being Punished and They Are Being Rewarded?’ Perceptions of Renewable Energy in Extractive Communities.” Extractive Industries and Society 5(3):366-374. DOI: j.exis.2018.05.001
Mayer, Adam, Stephanie A. Malin, and Shawn K. Olson-Hazboun. 2018. “Unhollowing Rural America? Rural Human Capital Flight and the Demographic Consequences of the Oil and Gas Boom.” Population and Environment 39:219-238. DOI: 10.1007/s11111-017-0288-9
Mayer, Adam, Shawn K. Olson-Hazboun, and Stephanie A. Malin. 2017. “Fracking Fortunes? Poverty, Rurality, and Economic Security Amid Unconventional Oil and Gas Activity.” Rural Sociology 83(3):532-567. DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12198
Olson-Hazboun, Shawn K., Richard S. Krannich, and Peter G. Robertson. 2017. “The Influence of Religious Affiliation on Community Views about Environment, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy in the Mormon Culture Region.” Society & Natural Resources 30(2):195-211. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1185558
Malin, Stephanie, Adam Mayer, Kelly Shreeve, Shawn K. Olson-Hazboun, and John Adgate. 2017. “Free Market Ideology and Deregulation in Colorado’s Oil Fields: Evidence for Triple Movement Activism?” Environmental Politics 26(3):521-545. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2017.1287627
Olson-Hazboun, Shawn K., Richard S. Krannich, and Peter G. Robertson. 2016. “Public Views on Renewable Energy in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States: Distinct Attitudes, Exposure, and Other Key Predictors of Wind Energy.” Energy Research & Social Sciences 21:167-79. DOI: j.erss.2016.07.002
Krannich, Richard S., Peter G. Robertson, and Shawn K. Olson. 2015. “Renewable Energy in the United States: Trends, Prospects, and Implications for Rural Development.” In Don Albrecht (ed): Our Energy Future: Socioeconomic Implications for Rural America. New York: Routledge.
Boykoff, Max T. and Shawn K. Olson. 2013. “‘Wise Contrarians’: A Keystone Species in Contemporary Climate Science, Politics, and Policy.” Celebrity Studies 4(3):276-291. DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2013.831618