Ph.D., 1997 The Ohio State University
M.A., 1995 The Ohio State University
B.A., 1991 Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri
Oregon State University, Associate Professor, Political Science 2007-present Oregon State University, Assistant Professor, Political Science 2002-2007 University of Northern Iowa, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science 2000-2002 Binghamton University SUNY, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science 1998-2000 Dartmouth College, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Government 1997-1998
Solberg, Rorie Spill and Eric N. Waltenburg. 2014. The Media, the Court, and the Misrepresentation: The New Myth of the Court. Law and Politics Series. Routledge
Lisa Holmes, Solberg, Rorie Spill, and Susan B. Haire. 2011. “Neither Gone Nor Forgotten: Evaluating the Potential Impact of Senior Status Judges on the US Courts of Appeals.” Judicature 95: 227-236.
Diascro, Jennifer Segal and Rorie Spill Solberg. 2009. “George W. Bush’s Legacy on the Federal Bench: Policy in the Face of Diversity.” Judicature 92: 289-301.
Scott, Kevin and Rorie Solberg. 2008. “Remaking the Federal Bench: An Exercise in Futility?” Southern Illinois Law Journal Vol 32: 493-508.
Lindquist, Stephanie and Rorie Solberg. 2007. “Judicial Review by the Burger and Rehnquist Courts: Explaining Justices' Responses to Constitutional Challenges.” Political Research Quarterly. 60: 71-90.
Rorie Spill Solberg, Jolly Emrey and Susan Haire. 2006. "Inter-Court Dynamics and Development of Legal Policy: References to Precedents in the U.S. Courts of Appeals.” Policy Studies Journal. Vol. 34: 277-294.
Solberg, Rorie Spill and Stefanie A. Linquist. “Activism, Ideology, and Federalism: Judicial Behavior in Constitutional Challenges Before the Rehnquist Court 1986-2000.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol 3: 237-262.
Solberg, Rorie Spill and Eric Waltenburg. “Evaluating Models of Legal Advocacy”. Social Science Quarterly. Vol 87:558-572.
Solberg Rorie Spill. 2006. “Court Size and Diversity on the Bench: The Ninth Circuit and its Sisters.” Arizona Law Review Vol 48: 247-66.
Solberg, Rorie Spill. 2005. “Diversity and G.W. Bush’s Judicial Appointments: Serving Two Masters.” Judicature. Vol 88: 276-283.
Solberg, Rorie Spill and Kate Bratton. 2005. “Diversifying the Bench: Presidential Patterns.” Justice Systems Journal. Vol 26: 119-133.
Spill Solberg, Rorie L. and Leonard Ray. 2005. “All States are not Equal: Investigating the Differential Success of the States in the Courts of Appeals.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly Vol 5: 147-67.
Spill Solberg, Rorie L. and Eric S. Heberlig. 2005. "Communicating to the Courts and Beyond: Why Members of Congress Participate as Amicus Curiae." Legislative Studies Quarterly Vol 29:591-610.
Bratton, Kathleen A. and Rorie L. Spill. 2004. “Moving Up the Judicial Ladder: The Role of Prior Judicial Experience.” American Politics Research Vol 32:198-218.
Spill Solberg, Rorie. “Arthur Goldberg.” In, Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Stephens, Scheb, and Stooksbury, eds. Greenwood Press. 2006.
Spill Solberg, Rorie. “James McReynolds.” In Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Stephens, Scheb, and Stooksbury, eds. Greenwood Press. 2006.
Spill Solberg, Rorie. “Robert Jackson.” In Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Stephens, Scheb, and Stooksbury, eds. Greenwood Press. 2006.