Hemant Bhanoo
United States
Hemant is a father, meditator, engineer, investor, and founder. Hemant began meditating over 30 years ago; He sat his first 10-day-silent retreat in the Goenka/Vipassana tradition in 2007, continues to sit in that tradition, and goes on retreat whenever he builds up the courage to ask his wife for 10 days away.
He facilitated “Search Inside Yourself” (SIY), a mindfulness and leadership class developed at Google while he was an engineer there. Hemant then taught SIY to executives at organizations (governments, corporations, non-profits) worldwide. He also helped train mindfulness teachers and was an executive at SIYLI.org, a non-profit that makes the SIY curriculum available outside of Google. His current startup brings meditators together every day. The Bhanoo family moved to Corvallis in June 2022
Classes at Marigold: The OSU Center for Contemplative Practice
- Mindlab
- Training in Compassion Book Study
- Digital Detox Retreat