Lori Cramer
Policy Areas: Natural resource sociology, environmental sociology, social impact assessment, rural sociology.
PhD: Utah State University
Ph.D. Sociology (emphasis areas in Environment/Natural Resource and Rural Sociology), Utah State University
- SOC206 – Social Problems and Issues
- SOC381 – Social Dimensions of Sustainability
- SOC475/575 – Rural Sociology
- SOC480/580 – Environmental Sociology
- SOC481/581 – Society and Natural Resources
Research Interests
- Natural Resource Sociology
- Community Resilience
- Rural Sociology
- Environmental Sociology
Recent Funded Projects:
Co-Investigator (with P. Fifita (PI)), "Indigenous (Re)envisioning and Restoration of Anahola Seascapes" PEW Charitable Trust, 1/1/2024-3/15/2025. (https://www.lenfestocean.org/en/research-projects/indigenous-reenvision…)
Co-Investigator (with M. Needham (PI)), “A Longitudinal Assessment of Resident Perceptions of Oregon’s Marine Reserves” Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 5/1/20-6/30/22
Principle Investigator, (with M. Maldanado, H. Egna, and F. Conway), “Enhancing community resilience and seafood sustainability through a diverse seafood processing workforce” NOAA, 9/1/19-8/31/22
Principle Investigator, (with F. Conway), “The Old(er) Men of the Sea: The Graying of the fishing industry and its impact on local community resiliency” NOAA/Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program, 9/1/2016-8/31/20
Co-Investigator, (with D. Cox and H. Wang (PI)), “An Integrated Social Science and Agent-based Modeling Approach to Improve Life Safety from Near-field Tsunami Hazards” NSF/CMMI, 5/1/2016-4/30/2019
Recent Publications:
Cramer, L.A., J Beaullieu, J. Doyle, M. Maldonado, H. Egna, M. Johnson, F.D.L. Conway. 2023. The importance of the seafood processing sector to coastal community resilience. Marine Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105797
Platt, E., S. Charnley, J. Bailey, and L.A. Cramer. 2022. Adaptive Governance in Frequent-Fire Landscapes. Society and Natural Resources. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2022.2035872
VanRiper, F., K. Russel, D. L.A. Cramer, Tillias, J. Laporte, E. Lloyd, and S. Kramer. 2022. Container-based sanitation services and attrition: An examination of drivers and implications. Frontiers in Environmental Science and Policy. Volume 9 (February) https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.817142
VanRiper, F., K. Russel, D. Tillias, L.A. Cramer, J. Laporte, E. Lloyd, and S. Kramer. 2022.The sanitation arc: An alternative examination of WASH behavior change.Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, Vol 12 (1): 90-101.https://doi.org/10.2166/washdev.2021.162
Chen, C. A. Mostafizi, H. Wang, D. Cox, and L.A. Cramer. 2022. Evacuation behaviors in tsunami drills. Natural Hazards. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-022-05208-y
Haugen, B.I., L.A. Cramer, G.G. Waldbusser, F.D.L. Conway. 2021. Resilience and adaptive capacity of Oregon’s fishing community: Cumulative impacts of climate change and the graying of the fleet. Marine Policy. 126 (April). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104424
Utami, A. and L.A. Cramer. 2020. Political, social, and human capital in the face of climate change: Case of rural Indonesia. Community Development Journal. 51(5): 556-574. https://doi.org/10.1080/15575330.2020.1804956
Chen, C., A. Buylova, C. Cadell, H. Wang, L.A. Cramer and D. Cox. 2020. Household Intended evacuation transportation behavior to earthquake and tsunami hazard in a cascadia subduction zone city. Transportation Research Record. 2674(7):99-114. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0361198120920873
Johnston, J. R., M.D. Needham, L.A. Cramer and T.C. Swearingen. 2020. Public values and attitudes toward marine reserves and marine wilderness. Coastal Management, 48(2), 142-163. https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2020.1732800
Jacobs, D.B. and L.A. Cramer. 2020. Social capital in forested communities: Adapting to climate change and increasing wildfire risks in rural communities in central Oregon. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 10:12-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-019-00584-7
Buylova, A., C. Chen, L.A. Cramer, H. Wang, D. Cox. 2020. Household risk perceptions and evacuation intentions in earthquake and tsunami in a cascadia subduction zone. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 44, April 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101442
Honors and Awards:
Oregon State University Graduate Mentor of the Year Award
Rural Sociological Society Excellence in Teaching Award
College of Liberal Arts Researcher of the Year, Oregon State University