Tiffany Bailey
Tiffany E-RYT-500 embarked on her mind-body journey at Swarthmore College, where early experiences with stillness ignited 30+ years of spiritual exploration. Her yoga path began with BKS Iyengar’s hatha system, later expanding into vinyasa, anusara, viniyoga, shadow yoga, and ashtanga. She blends these traditions to create advanced yet accessible, deep yet gentle multilevel classes at Marigold.
Tiffany's spiritual roots lie in Catholic mysticism, which evolved through Quakerism and its silent seeking, eventually leading her to formal Buddhist meditation. She complements her sitting practice with yoga nidra, a tantric meditation technique, and understands connection and relaxation as natural states of being. Teaching yoga since 2007, she is committed to helping others discover their own sense of wholeness.
Currently, Tiffany works full-time in OSU's PAC Mind-Body Program and co-coordinates the Yoga Teacher Training 200 HR Leadership Certificate. Whether teaching beginners or advanced practitioners, she believes that uniting mind and body, even briefly, is always beneficial.
Classes at Marigold: The OSU Center for Contemplative Practice
- Gentle Yoga