Find out how students have used, are currently using or will use French in their professional fields!

“Hello! I am currently working as an intern at the OSU Sheep Center and study Animal Sciences through the College of Agriculture. I have used my French to intern on a farm in the South of Belgium, which allowed me to learn how they farm differently there. Knowing and learning French has enabled me to make connections and learn from others in ways I never imagined. Being able to speak a second language will allow me to have a more diverse education and understanding of the agriculture world. This experience has opened doors to allow me to move back abroad and continue learning French within my field.” (Savannah Rodriguez, Class of 2023)

“I work as an Enterprise Architect for a large software firm. In this pre-sales role, I work with customers to develop their business and technology strategies and help them understand how our products can help. I am the only person on my team who has some knowledge of French, so I am improving my oral and written skills with a French minor at OSU in order to communicate with our francophone customers. I plan to finish my Post-Bacc in 2025.” (Marcel Derosier - 2023)

I use French everyday as I consult for a French company and help with their French language marketing collateral and make sure that it is compliant with Canadian regulations (food and dietary supplement regulations). I also still take French lessons every week with FIAF (French International Alliance Française) in NY.” (Kristin Latzo - French Major at OSU Ecampus, class of 2022)
I work in consumer lending and am able to speak with native French speakers. Even if much of the business is conducted in English, switching to French makes it more personable and allows me to connect with my clients - even if it is just when they ask "how did you learn French"! (Christopher McKiernan, French Major at OSU Ecampus)
As a chemical engineer, my knowledge of French has helped differentiate my skill set from my peers. I have enjoyed the opportunity to work for companies that have locations in France and Canada. My knowledge of French has provided the opportunity to work as a French tutor of high school students in my town. The flexibility of this work enables me to work around other job and familial commitments, while still sharing my love of the French language! (Juliana Stockwell- French, class of 2022)

“I am currently working as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and an actor. I am using French as a way to help others express themselves and talk about trauma more easily in a language that is not their own so they can speak freely without becoming overwhelmed by the words in their first language. I am also translating a play about trauma from English into French.” (Jay Sefton - Senior Class 2023 ; French Major)
“I am a physician (pediatrician and internist) who has always been interested in global health. Starting in the fall, I intend to work with international humanitarian organizations to provide medical care to people who need it most, organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) and International Medical Corps. Whether it's the patients, the local staff or other international volunteers, my French will help me be more effective and reach more people in need. (Ken Macneal, MD, 3rd Year French)
"I intend to work as a professional historian. In this field, I use French to read primary sources to expand the number of perspectives included in my research on the history of museums. The more languages I learn, the more voices I can include in history. I also hope to use French as a means to one day present at historical conferences in France so that we can create a dialogue about museology in the past and future.” (Jillian Mitchell - FR313; Non-degree-seeking student)
Translation and Interpretation

“I intend to work as a translator/interpreter for a living. I need French to become fluent in a third language, and become a trilingual translator. French even makes me understand the English language better. I would love to work translating books, working at embassies and interpreting conferences. One of my long-time goals is to found a translators company. I love languages in general, and getting to know new communities and cultures.” (Nairi Zulamian - French BA First-year Student at OSU Ecampus).
“I am currently working as an ESL teacher and I intend to continue with this career for my future. For this reason, French is very important in my life and learning. Among the many diverse students of whom I teach English, I have a large French-speaking population of students coming from Haïti, Canada, Africa, Europe and Asia. For this reason, French is needed in my career as I use it as a communication tool to introduce the English language to the French-speaking students. I find French very helpful for this reason.” (Judy Telemaque - French Major at OSU Ecampus, 2020-2023).