Spanish Program Internships: The Spanish program collaborates with a variety of community partners in the Corvallis area to facilitate internships for OSU Spanish majors and minors. Students participating in internships enroll in SPAN 410 and receive credit as well as gaining transferable skills related to team-work, co-teaching, leadership, collaboration, communication, etc. Current community partners in the Corvallis area include Franklin K-8 School, Lincoln Elementary School (dual-immersion), Garfield Elementary School (dual-immersion) and Community Outreach Inc. Interns in these programs serve as classroom volunteers, co-teach after school Spanish, or assist/translate in free medical clinics. Ecampus students are also serving in a variety of internships nationally and internationally. For information on how the internship credits may be applied to your academic plan, contact the World Languages and Cultures advisor David Trinidad, [email protected]. For more information including how to apply for internships and current internship availability, contact Raven Chakerian, [email protected].