About Us

We engage learners in the development of communicative competence beyond their native languages, build understanding of the role of language in creating individual and community identities, and facilitate the construction of knowledge about world cultures with the goal of creating a more equitable society.


“Tools for the global citizen”


Our mission is to promote the diversity of world cultures and languages by providing innovative interdisciplinary learning opportunities.


  • Develop inter-cultural communication competency.

  • Develop critical insights into the nature of language and culture.

  • Nurture diverse heritages.

  • Engage in interdisciplinary learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom.

  • Strengthen national and international collaborations with educational, public, and corporate partners.

  • Outreach to campus and Oregon communities and beyond. 

  • Promote global consciousness and participate more fully in the global community.


  • Improve skills to communicate interculturally in order to devise and exchange ideas clearly and effectively.
  • Acquire knowledge and critical appreciation of the diversity of human cultural and social experiences.