Frequently Asked Questions

The following list of questions is broken into three sections: OSU language placement test, OSU language requirements, and general language advising.  These are some of the most common questions regarding languages at OSU.


Chinese, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Italian and Spanish.

You can take the test by clicking here. For the Japanese placement test please email Etsuko Sisley. For the Korean placement test please email Sunyoung Kim.

No, the test is multiple choice.

The test is free of charge.

You can take the test whenever. Keep in mind that once you register for the placement test you have 30 days to start it.

No, the test is meant to be completed in a single log-in. It should take around 30-40 minutes, so be sure to plan accordingly.


This is a placement test, and it is meant to record your current level in a language. You can only take the test once and we will only record the first attempt. If you would like to know what kind of content to expect for a certain course level, say SPAN 211 for example, you can request a syllabus from Helen Wilhelm.


Yes, you can take the placement test once per language.

No. This is only a placement test and it does not generate credit.

If you have questions about your score, please contact the World Language and Cultures advisor.


OSU has two language requirements:

  • The Foreign Language Admission Requirement (2 terms of language)  
  • The Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement (2 years of language)

Continue reading to determine which requirement you are inquiring about, and who to contact:

  • Log in to BeaverHub.
  • Look at the first section of My Degrees with the requirements checklist. If you see the following in your checklist (see image below), you need to contact the Office of Admissions with your score and OSU ID#:
    foregin language admission requirement
  • If you see the following in your checklist (see image below), you need to contact the World Languages and Cultures Advisor, or the College of Liberal Arts Head Advisor with your score and OSU ID#:
    must complete a minimum second year

On the OSU placement test:
    •    placement into a 113 language class (or higher) marks off the Foreign Language Admission Requirement.
    •    placement into a 311 language class marks off the Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement.

    •    If it’s the Foreign Language Admission Requirement, contact the Office of Admissions for additional approved exams.
    •    If it’s the Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement, contact the World Languages and Cultures Advisor, or the College of Liberal Arts Head Advisor for additional approved exams.

Possibly, it depends on the language requirement:
    •    If it’s the Foreign Language Admission Requirement, contact the Office of Admissions for additional details.
    •    If it’s the Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement, contact the World Languages and Cultures Advisor, or the College of Liberal Arts Head Advisor for assessment of AP/IB/CLEP/Seal of Biliteracy documentation.


The placement test will generate a score immediately and those results will be sent to the email address you provide in the testing account. Take a look at your score report first. The score report will recommend a course. If your score is high, it might say “See an Advisor” in which case you should contact the World Languages and Cultures advisor. Additionally, you should expect an email from Helen Wilhelm 1-2 business days after taking the test informing you of your score and recommended course.

The OSU placement test will tell you a specific class you can register for. If the course you tested into is SPAN 213, for example, our system will only allow you to register for that class and no other class lower or higher. If you need or want to register for another class other than the one you tested into, please contact the World Languages and Cultures advisor to request an override.

Get on the waitlist by following these steps. Additionally, keep visiting the schedule of classes as additional sections may sometimes be added.