Professor - Economics

Office: 541-737-6628

Bexell Hall

Bexell Hall 334

2251 SW Campus Way

2251 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Ph.D., Economics, University of Michigan (2011)

Additional Information: 

Research Interests:

Development Economics, Labor Economics, Economics of Education

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Website

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy and Economics Program at Oregon State University. I am also a Research Fellow at IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor), an Invited Researcher for the Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL), and a Fellow of the Global Labor Organization (GLO).

My research areas are development economics, labor economics, and the economics of education. My current work focuses on education policy in developing countries (including Rwanda, The Gambia, and India), and promoting student success in higher education in the U.S.



“Nudging Demand for Academic Support Services: Experimental and Structural Evidence from Higher Education” (with Nicholas Wilson), Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming. (IZA Discussion Paper No. 13732)

"Improving Access and Quality in Early Childhood Development Programs: Experimental Evidence from The Gambia" (with Moussa Blimpo, Pedro Carneiro, and Pamela Jervis), Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming. (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 8737, IZA Discussion Paper No. 12163)

"Teacher Labor Markets in Developing Countries" (with Lee Crawfurd), chapter in Brian P. McCall, Routledge Handbook of the Economics of Education, 2022. (IZA Discussion Paper version)

"Promoting Female Interest in Economics: Limits to Nudges" (with Elizabeth Schroeder), AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2021. (IZA Discussion Paper version)

"Entrepreneurship Education and Teacher Training in Rwanda" (with Moussa Blimpo), Journal of Development Economics, 2021. (IZA Discussion Paper version)

"The Influence of Hidden Researcher Decisions in Applied Microeconomics" (with Nick Huntington‐Klein, Andreu Arenas, Emily Beam, Marco Bertoni, Jeffrey R. Bloem, Pralhad Burli, Naibin Chen, Paul Grieco, Godwin Ekpe, Martin Saavedra, Yaniv Stopnitzky). Economic Inquiry, 2021. (IZA Discussion Paper version)

"Entrepreneurship Education and Teacher Training in Rwanda" (with Moussa Blimpo), Journal of Development Economics (Stage 1 Registered Report), 2019.

"Financial Constraints and Girls' Secondary Education: Evidence from School Fee Elimination in The Gambia" (with Moussa Blimpo and Ousman Gajigo). World Bank Economic Review, 2019. (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series version)

Tropical Storms and Mortality Under Climate Change." World Development, 2019. (IZA Discussion Paper version)

Press coverage: Mongabay, Pacific Standard

Teacher Pay and Student Performance: Evidence from the Gambian Hardship Allowance” (with Elizabeth Schroeder). Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2018. (IZA Discussion Paper version)

"Nudging Study Habits: A Field Experiment on Peer Tutoring in Higher Education" (with Nicholas Wilson). Economics of Education Review, 2018. (GLO Discussion Paper version, IZA Discussion Paper version)

"Bumpy Rides: School to Work Transitions in South Africa." Labour, 2018. (IZA Discussion Paper version) (Web appendix)

"U.S. Border Enforcement and Mexican Immigrant Location Choice" (with Sarah Bohn). Demography, October 2015 (IZA Discussion Paper version)

Press coverage: Arizona Republic (editorial), Phoenix NPR, BYU Radio

Prospective Analysis of a Wage Subsidy for Cape Town Youth” (with James Levinsohn). Journal of Development Economics, May 2014 (NBER Working Paper version; final version)

Safety Valve or Sinkhole? Vocational Schooling in South Africa”. IZA Journal of Labor and Development, 2014

Incentives for Teacher Relocation: Evidence from the Gambian Hardship Allowance” (with Elizabeth Schroeder). Economics of Education Review, August 2014 (IZA Discussion Paper version) (5-minute audio version)


A Simple Nudge Increases Socioeconomic Diversity in Undergraduate Economics” (with Liz Schroeder), IZA Discussion Paper No. 14418.


"Can interactive online training make high school students more entrepreneurial? Experimental evidence from Rwanda" (with Jeanne Lafortune, José Tessada, and Diego Ubfal)

"Study More Tomorrow" (with Liz Schroeder and Nicholas Wilson)

"Excellence for all? University honors programs and human capital formation" (with Paul Thompson)

"Entrepreneurship Education and Teacher Training in Rwanda: Long-term Evidence" (with Moussa Blimpo)


"Is teacher certification a useful tool for developing countries?" IZA World of Labor, 2017 (associated commentary, June 2019).

Curriculum Vitae: 

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
School of Public Policy
Research/Career Interests: 

Policy Areas: Labor economics, development economics and education economics.

PhD: University of Michigan

PhD Faculty
MPP Core Faculty
MPP Faculty
SPP Concentration: 
International Policy
Law, Crime and Policy
Rural Policy
Social Policy
SPP Program: 